But lately, my adorable little shaggy "surfer boy" has been having trouble seeing through the hair hanging in his eyes, and I knew it was time. So since my mom was ready to head home after spending most of last week here making piles of hair bows, we figured we better get out the scissors.
Brayden did so well, munching on his chocolate, sucking down a "squish pouch" and laughing at his Dad's distracting antics. I on the other hand did not fair as well - tearfully looking away as my baby turned into a little boy right before my eyes. (Here I go again - waterworks as I type). And I know how ridiculous it is - he's still the same Brayden with or without his hair. But I struggle knowing that it'll never be quite the same.
My Dad tried reminding me that I haven't lost anything, just have lots of things to look forward to with each age. Sorry to say, that doesn't make it any easier. I realize how blessed I am every day and, much like a little child, feel like I like these days the best.
And in my own feminist ways, I make it more complicated than it probably is - pondering how for the first time, cultural norms have physically altered his appearance. Julie's feminine curls still hang from her head while Brayden's waves are on my deck. It's just the beginning of the man he'll have to become - the man that will grow up and move away to lead his own family. Yes, I know I'm probably taking it a little far, but I'm a sappy mama here and my mind has a tenancy to take things down the road a bit.
He looks handsome and I'm sure I'll get used to it. My mom did a great job courtesy of youtube and her 20 year past experiences. In the meantime though, I'm going to pout and wait for it to grow back.
For your comparison - Brayden before and after his "sheering."