You've already met Julianna at One so I thought it was about time to tell you more about my sweet Brayden. He too has come a long way since I wrote about my expectations for him when I was pregnant!
Brayden Harrison
Nicknames: Bray, Bray-Bray, Brady, Prince Charming, Brady-Boy
Size: Currently wearing 12 months
Favorite Song: Old McDonald
Favorite Food: Grilled Cheese
Favorite Toys: Gymnic Rody Horse, Little People (especially Princess Ariel), VTech Spin & Learn Top
, LeapFrog My Pal Scout
Favorite TV Show: Bubble Guppies, YoGabaGaba or Spongebob (not that Mom is too fond of the last one)
Favorite Animal: Giraffe
Vocabulary: Mama, Dada (which has evolved to Da-ee), Nana, Baba, Bap, Uh-Oh
Tickle Spots: Inner Thigh, Right under Ribs
Favorite Song: Old McDonald
Favorite Food: Grilled Cheese
Favorite Toys: Gymnic Rody Horse, Little People (especially Princess Ariel), VTech Spin & Learn Top
Favorite TV Show: Bubble Guppies, YoGabaGaba or Spongebob (not that Mom is too fond of the last one)
Favorite Animal: Giraffe
Vocabulary: Mama, Dada (which has evolved to Da-ee), Nana, Baba, Bap, Uh-Oh
Tickle Spots: Inner Thigh, Right under Ribs
Brayden is a rambunctious, snuggly and hilarious little boy. He is on the brink of learning to “run” and loves to walk in a room, catch your eye, and run out – only to repeat time after time for minutes on end. He loves to laugh and has this contagious giggle that not even the most stoic could resist smiling for. The most random things will get him going – the word “hundred,” a fake sneeze or hiccup, Mom crying hysterically, Dad bumping his head on the chandelier, and “alligator chomps” are some of his favorites about which to laugh.
A warm, fluffy bed is “his spot” especially snuggled in between his parents. He can have a conversation with his eyes and is such a little “flirt” when it comes to all the ladies he encounters as we go out. He surely has his daddy’s charm.
Brayden is intense and at times can have a temper. It’s obvious that he knows what he wants, and gets frustrated when it doesn't work how he expects.
He loves to carry around a balloon, and to pull ribbon off the spools. He dances to every song he hears – bending his knees and bopping up and down. His soft voice will sing along to a lullabye or song on tv when he’s getting drowsy. He loves princess Ariel’s red hair with a passion and we joke that someday he’ll marry a red-head. He is my little Irish imp that stole my heart the moment our eyes met. I am so incredibly lucky to be his Mom.