I really appreciate Coach Jenn who I had the pleasure of meeting at last year's MomCon who recommended for 2014, setting a theme vs a resolution. For me, this year's theme will be moving from "surviving" as a mom with twins to "thriving."
What does that mean for me?
- Getting a handle on the physical chaos that our home can be in - from messes to heaps of laundry and household maintenance put off for the tenth time.
- Doing more than just getting through our days, but having intentional play and activities to enrich the kids development.
- To work on our personal well being, which for me means showering more than once every three days and occasionally using all the fancy shmancy makeup that I've collected. It also means getting enough rest, drinking enough water, and eating better.
So where has that left me and how are we doing? I have to say that I think we're really on track here a full month into the new year! I've been using the flylady system (with some adaptations) to get a system in place to control our chaos. I've been working on "theme weeks" for the kids that will bring together our crafts, field trips, songs, books, activities and more to help us develop some recognition and stay occupied. And I'm doing quite a bit better with the personal well being, by trying to get dressed every day* and being more conscientious in what I'm eating.
I did cancel my weight watchers membership last night - and it's not because I don't want to eat better - but for me, in this moment, shifting my focus to these other elements really takes away from my time to do some other things, including track food. Like I recently mentioned - I haven't been making many hair bows, nor have I been blogging a WHOLE lot (still working on that) but I think part of thriving is taking time to reevaluate the daily priorities. Today, we're still in survival mode, but slowly but surely - I think we're going to make it there sometime in 2014!
Surviving to thriving is a good theme. I think some days will be about surviving and others will be about thriving (as a Mama of multiples myself). I have enjoyed reading your posts. I will head over to follow you on Google +. : 0 )