With the door shut and Disney Jr on the television, I was sure I was safe for just a few minutes.
Getting out, I was shocked to see the door opened wide and no babies in sight. Wrapping a towel around me, I realized I could still hear water running - although the shower was off.
Rushing into the babies' bathroom, there I found them - with the water running, and both happily splashing in the tub. Brayden was in just his diaper, but Julie was fully dressed in a sleeper, enjoying the frigid water.
I just stared at them for a minute, too shocked to do anything, but just let them be until Dan arrived as I heard the garage door start and knew he'd have to see it to believe it!
I was surely glad that they were safe, and figured - while they were already wet - we might as well scrub them up. I wish I would have snapped a pic for posterity but Dan had them undressed before I even thought of it! I guess I'm going to have to shower when Dan's home, or get a lock for our bedroom door!