Showing posts with label Style. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Style. Show all posts

Friday, July 12, 2013

A Mama Uniform

I'm ready to throw in the towel and go naked.  Well - not really, because that would be inappropriate, but I'm throwing my hands up in surrender as the fashion gods clearly hate me.

While I was never a "fashionista" and was proud to shop the clearance racks through middle and high school, I found favorite stores in college and in my early career that kept my wardrobe on track.  The now defunct B. Moss offered classic, quality styles that were more "grown up" than teen clothes but weren't things my mother's generation would wear.  Deeper into my career I fell in love with the quality pants of Ann Taylor, upscale casual of Banana Republic and the reliable standby's of Gap.

Pregnancy brought the maternity clothes, to which my response was kinda "eh - no one looks good pregnant" but secretly I loved the excuse to wear comfy clothes and not worry about my belly "pouch."  Two babies was a great reason to let it all hang out!

My struggle with my wardrobe really began when the babies were born, and here we are 18 months later, still facing an uphill battle.

After delivery, I was down 20 lbs from my pre-pregnancy weight coming home from the hospital, and lost another ten breastfeeding.  Although my body had changed with my weight distribution, my shorts could still zipper and my tops fit fine.  A new fashion plague was upon me - reflux.  Brayden threw up so often (leaving oily stains in his path) that I could barely justify new clothes and stocked my closet full of solid colored crew necks from Kohl's.  Along with yoga pants, these became staples of my new Mommy Uniform, and remain my most commonly worn outfit to this day.  I even joke with my friends that my style is Yoga Homeless, as explained in The Naked Redhead's fabulous video.

But there's so many days I now want more.  Joining Dan for his ten year reunion, I became so frustrated with my lack of appropriate attire that I spent a whole evening crying.  The pounds had crept back on since I put away my  breast pump, and my "real clothes" were again hard to button and I certainly didn't look good in them.

I have the best husband in the world, who has blessed me with the command to "get out there and shop" - no limits, do whatever I need to do to feel better.  I started with a subscription to weight watchers, and now 15 pounds lighter, I'm sitting comfortably in new eating habits and more comfortably fitting clothes.

But the problem remains that Ann Taylor is no longer appropriate for my day to day, but Yoga Homeless is not cutting it either.  I'm ashamed to say it, but I have a terrible fashion secret that I need to "get off my chest" (literally).

I am still wearing my nursing bras - 17 months after my kids failed to nurse.

Yep, you'll have to bust out the magnifying glass to read that one.  Seriously though, I wish Stacy and Clinton from What Not to Wear could sweep me off my feet and into some magical dressing room with piles of clothes that fit and look good.

My sad reality though is that after spending a whole day looking at stores in Grove City, and a good hour of shopping at TJ Maxx, I couldn't find a single garment that interested me.  It's that rough spot where you have no idea what you're looking for, but lots of ideas what you're not looking for.  So how about you?  Where are your favorite "mom friendly" places to shop for casual yet fashion forward clothes?  Somebody's got to fill this girl in!  

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