But lately, I've been catching beautiful glimpses at what having twins is really about. I've been seeing the beautiful emotion they have with one another - sharing hugs and kisses when one another, seeking them out if they hear the other cry. It's amazing to have the opportunity to be proud of the generosity, kindness and empathy that your two year old is showing - proud of the little person they're becoming.
Brayden picks up his spoon and fork at a casual dinner out - and proceeds to bang them together with glee. "Great idea bro" silently says a joyful Julie who joins him in the merriment. They just beam at each other. The first proud that he started a trend, and the second thrilled to show that she can do it too. I smile...
Even in the midnight hours, when they both should be sleeping I can't help but enjoy their fun. Julie gets the idea to run through the upstairs - onto our bed, off the other side, around the loop and back out the door, and across to her room. Brayden jumps up and follows. And the two do laps like this for ten minutes squealing as they go.
They share all of this without words, but are so united in the experience. It's obvious that they love the "twin thing." And how could they not? It's a best friend to play trains, it's a person to steal extra hot dog bits from, and a constant sleepover companion. I'm coming to realize, we're not missing out at all. We are the luckiest...
Quiet moments snuggled together watching a favorite show, swapping binkies and laughing in domino effect at the funny parts. Every moment bonds them together.
Today we played this game where we would count "one" "two" and then giggle wildly on "three" as we tickled someone. It was so much fun it almost brought tears to my eyes. Who else gets that? Even if kids are close in age, the joy of having two together, at that same moment and stage, discovering life's pleasures is absolutely incredible.
I've always wondered what all these moms meant when they talked about their pairs - "double the fun" they'd say. I could get behind "double the love" and "double the blessing" but really? Double the fun? I'm becoming a believer... I feel like the fun in our family grows exponentially every day. And I am so blessed to be part of this wild ride...