Sunday, March 4, 2012


We've been struggling with getting the babies to sleep in their cribs - even for short periods - so that eventually, they can sleep there through the night.  With mom's anticipated departure set for the end of March, we need to figure out a way for us to handle our pair overnight - alone.  Right now that's a terrifying prospect.

So a challenge in crib sleeping has been that the binkies we use ALWAYS fall out of the babies' mouths, and as soon as they do, the sirens go off.  When I first came home from the hospital, this was CONSTANT before we began current strategies, and I felt like I was doing sit ups with my c-section incision in terrible pain.  So we started shifts, co-sleeping, yadda yadda yadda until we've arrived where we have now.  So somewhere in my online travels, I saw the recommendation of the wubbanub.

What's a wubbanub you ask?  It's a pacifier holder, with an adorable baby safe stuffed animal on the end, which props the soothie pacifier into the mouth.  We could find no where local that sold them here in Pittsburgh, so we ordered from amazon and boy are they cute!  It's taken a while for the babies to get used to them, (and Julie's not quite got the hang of hers) but they do seem to love the softness of these sweet critters.  Brayden's wubbanub is a giraffe, and Julie's is a cutsie caterpillar.  So far, we wouldn't say that these have been "miracle workers" as a good swift swing of brayden's arms and the giraffe will be tossed across the crib.  There has been improvement though, and they do seem to smile and look at the contrast quite a big.  Now if we could keep Duncan and Layla away from the temptation of claiming the wubbanubs for themselves!


  1. We had the same issue, putting pacifiers back in countless times a night. So frustrating. Eventually, one twin gave up the pacifier completely, about 8 weeks I think, and the other found his thumb and is still soothing himself with it at age 2+ (sigh) it was great when they were newborns though, since one could soothe himself. Now we're fighting a battle to get that thumb out of his mouth! This mommy thing is tough, can't win.

  2. So glad to hear yours are fans of these! We were given a cat & a sheep wabbanub at a shower. Can't wait to see my babes in them!


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