I'm such a perfectionist, and have an addictive personality when it comes to overcoming a challenge. It's an asset when it means being committed to success (which explains why my twins are still getting breast milk despite two months of challenges), but that drive is also detrimental when it becomes an inability to "leave well enough alone." My blogging goals aren't to monetize and make tons of cash, nor do I expect to be a famous blogging celebrity someday. I don't even have the ego that needs fed by having 1000 subscribers. I just like to reflect, and think that recording my thoughts through this journey will be fun to look back on. It might entertain family and friends, or encourage another twin mom in her journey. So I have no need to spend our limited budget on a blog designer.

Banner and Widget Title Graphics: http://dryicons.com/free-graphics/category/frames-banners/
Customized myself in Adobe Illustrator (boy did I learn a thing or two playing around!)
Social Media Icons: http://www.webdesignerdepot.com/2009/04/24-free-exclusive-vector-icons-handy/ found http://bestdesignoptions.com/?p=13779
Created the matching Pinterest Icon since that wasn't included in the set. Not too bad if I do say so myself!
Coding, Spacing, Etc: http://www.projectalicia.com/2011/01/idiots-guide-to-adding-social-media.html
Still a few little tweaks I can make, but hoping I can let go of my perfection obsession long enough to enjoy my accomplishment in the meantime.
You did a great job doing this all yourself. It is so tough to do. Love your share icons, noticed them as soon as I clicked over.