Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Twin Tips: Diaper Bag Checklist

Before our babies were born, I loved reading people's posts on what to put in their diaper bags.  It's funny how what you EXPECT you'll carry, is really not what you carry at all.  I think diaper bag contents are a very personal thing, but preparing for your own unexpected is what diaper bag packing is all about.

One of the best gifts I got when expecting was from a dear co-worker.  It was a small diaper bag, packed with all the essentials, and a note from her own experiences, on what her bag included.  Although we already had a large bag purchased, Amy's system employed both the big bag and the little bag to make packing quick and convenient.  Although I didn't realize it at the time, her system is ingenious.

So today, I'd like to pass her gift on to you, and share the scoop on how I diaper bag for twins.

First, I have two bags - a small bag Eddie Bauer Bag with lots of pockets, and a large bag - the Chicco Cubes tote.  The small bag goes with me everywhere, and the big bag "refills" from the car.  Typically, I repack the small bag every time we go out, and the large bag stays in the car, and is only refilled if we take something from it.  I know it sounds like more work, but it really isn't!  Especially with twins, I'm already laden down with so much gear and baby that having a little bag is perfect, but still always have the security that the big bag's there for backup if needed.

Small Eddie Bauer Bag
Large Chicco Cubes Bag

So now for the good stuff - what's IN my bags!

Here's a sneak peak and a detailed list:

1 - Diapers:  We need two sizes and typically put four of each size in the small bag for a total of eight.

2 - Wipes: For little bums

3 - Diaper Rash Cream:  Luckily, we have not yet had to deal with serious diaper rash, so I bring a sample size pack - just in case something surprised me.  These samples came from new mom Similac packs and Motherhood Maternity goodie bags.

4 - Rubber Gloves:  For the occasional poopy diaper that makes you freeze in horror

5 - Ziplock Bag:  To contain the filthy clothing that the horrific diaper just leaked on.

6 - Changing Table Liners:  To protect your precious little one from other babies horrific diaper germies

7 - Receiving Blanket:  Used as an impromptu changing pad on the floor of a bathroom, to cover a carseat in the rain, or (obviously) to cover a babe when it gets chilly.

8 - Face Friendly Wipes:  I've got pukers, and don't like the idea of putting bum wipes on their sensitive little faces.  Johnson's smell nice and are resealable, and I believe Boogie Wipes are basically the same thing.  Babies R Us carries a bum wipe that's also safe on faces in their travel size section, but the non-resealable package urks me.

9 - Pacifier Wipes: Helpful for when the only bink you have has fallen on the floor of the pediatrician's office.

10 - Hand Sanitizer

11 - Cloth Diapers: For burp cloths, spit up, and for rolling up and propping under bottles for self-feeding while at restaurants.

12 - Formula Powder in Bottles: Once I realized how expensive Similac's "to-go" bottles were, I figured I could easily make an inexpensive alternative myself.  I pre-measure and pack for simple mixing on the go.

13 - Bottled Water for Formula Powder: I love Aldi's 10 oz bottles which are perfectly sized for my diaper bag, and two 4 ounce bottles (and a sip for me).

14 - Nipples: We pack the disposable ones from the formula samples just because I don't "miss them" in my regular rotation.

15 - Pacifiers: One spare for each

16 - Toys:  We like thin puppets, a small klinky toy (keys) and our blinky multi-colored strobe light rubber chick toys from Easter.  Just enough to keep them occupied, but save space.

So there you have it - all of this fits in my small bag (amazing huh?) and most is replicated in my large bag with just a little more diapers, a larger pack of wipes, changes of clothes for each baby, more toys, more water, etc.

And since it's so important to refresh those diaper bags regularly, I have a checklist by my door for easy reference in confirming bag contents.  Feel free to download my Twin Diaper Bag Checklist and use yourself!

Looking for more great Twin Tips?  Check them all out here!

Don't forget to give us a quick vote!  Very pretty please?
Vote For Us @ TopBaby Blogs! The Best Baby Blog Directory

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Julie and Brayden Update: 4 Months

Feedings:  Brayden is drinking about 4 ounces of milk, about every three hours during the day and goes about 8 hours without milk overnight.  Julie’s taking 5 ounces every three hours, and goes about 10 hour overnight.  We still do one formula bottle every night and I am back to pumping around every 4 hours.  We’re still doing 1T in the overnight bottles and may be increasing Brayden’s bottle rice intake at the doctor’s direction to help with his reflux.  We’ve also introduced rice cereal by spoon regularly, with each eating about 2 T of rice mixed with milk.  We’ve also introduced baby banana and they share ½ a container when we offer it.  They still have quite a bit of the tongue thrust reflex, but like to lean towards the spoon and get in about half of what we offer. 

Daytime: Babes are spending even more awake time.   They like to get cozy, and sit on our tummies when we’re laying flat, with their back’s on our theighs.  The babies got their first puppets for Easter (a Duck and a Bunny) which they love.  With the bunny we sing Little Bunny FooFoo and the one about a Rabbit in the Wood.   With the Duck, we sing Five Little Ducks (the one “with a feather on his back” and the one that “went out to play over the hill and far away).  Favorite toys include the mesh balls, the Blue Elephant/Yellow Giraffe sensory toys, the Play Gym (now reaching for toys and putting in mouth), and have gotten super active on the bouncy seats.   Feedings are 6am (B) 9am (J and sometimes B), Noon, 3pm, 6pm, 9pm, 11pm  
Nighttime:  I do realize how lucky I am here – I swear!  I have the best sleeper babies ever…  Nowadays, both babies are going to bed at 11pm, with Brayden waking up around 6am to eat with Dan (sometimes 8ish when not woken)  and Julie sleeping until 9.  Maybe she’ll be a “prompt” person throughout her life, because she ALWAYS wakes up at 9am on the dot!

Schedule:  I think I would say, we officially have a schedule!  Celebrate good times!
6:30 a.m. – 4 oz bottle for Brayden, then back to sleep (Mamma stays up and cleans)
9 a.m. – Julie wakes up for a 5 oz bottle then goes back to sleep.  Sometimes Brayden would like milk too – sometimes not.
11 a.m. – Wakeup for Bubble Guppies and Mike the Knight
Noon – 4 oz/ 5oz bottle and maybe another nap
3 p.m. – 4 oz/ 5oz bottle
4 p.m. – Fussy time for both babies.  We occupy them by being active on the floor, singing songs and playing with puppets.
6 p.m. – 4 oz/ 5oz bottle and Rice Cereal (maybe a little “nanners” too)
9 p.m. – 4 oz/ 5oz (Julie typically crashes in her swing at this point)
11:00 p.m. – Bottle and Bedtime
11:15 p.m. – SLEEP

Outings and Events:  Our babies are still really really good when we go out.  Big trips this month included the babies first “out of state” experience to attend Aunt Megan’s bridal shower in Buffalo, New York.  Both spent the afternoon with Dad and Grandpa Coleman and behaved beautifully.  We also celebrated Easter in all of our Sunday best. 

Milestones:  Both babies are grabbing at things, and are doing much better at strengthening their necks with Tummy Time and sitting up in their Bumbo Seats.  Brayden is wearing some 3-6 month clothes, and Julie is in all 3-6 month clothes.  Brayden has begun rolling over – both from Back to Front and Front to Back.  Way to go little boy!!!  Brayden also likes to giggle when we blow raspberries on his tummy.  Julie loves to play Patty Cake and squeals with happiness.  We joke that the babies sound like “pterodactyls” because of the loud noises they tend to make from time to time.  Julie is an extremely happy baby when she wakes up and very rarely cries. Their eyes are still both blue, so fingers crossed they’ll be staying that way!

Each day with them is truly a joy…

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Vote For Us @ TopBaby Blogs! The Best Baby Blog Directory

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Alexa and Lillian: Travel the World

This week we were super excited to host two special young ladies – Alexa and Lillian, who are traveling the world to see how many places they can visit in one year.  Their mom is the author of Mom-A-Logues and you can follow their trip by visiting her blog.

Welcome to Pittsburgh girls!  Our city has been voted as the country’s “most livable city” and we have to agree that it’s a great place to live.  We have fantastic sports teams like the Pittsburgh Steelers football team, and the Pittsburgh Penguins hockey team.  Pittsburgh is located at the intersection of three rivers – the Allegheny, the Monongahela and the Ohio.  To cross these rivers, there are many bridges and sometimes Pittsburgh is called “the city of bridges.” 

Pittsburgh has been a very important place for a long time!  In the 1750’s, George Washington even started a war to protect Pittsburgh from the French!  Our city was also very important in the production of steel and many people came from around the world to work in the mills to make this important metal.  Pittsburgh still celebrates the foods and traditions of many of those who made our city their home.

Although we don’t produce much steel nowadays, there are tons of other important products that are created or developed in Pittsburgh.  If you’ve ever enjoyed Heinz Ketchup on your french fries, you’ve tried a product made in our city!  Other big businesses include PNC Bank, UPMC Hospitals, American Eagle Outfitters and even a Google office.  We have excellent colleges such as the University of Pittsburgh and Carnegie Mellon University who are doing some amazing things with robotics.  Recently, there have been many movies filmed in Pittsburgh and it’s great to see our city on the big screen.  Pittsburgh has many museums given to the city from Andrew Carnegie, a very famous Pittsburgh resident of the past.  We have a symphony orchestra, theaters, a zoo, and many other fun things to do!

A great video to see even more of our awesome city can be found here.

You arrived at our house the last week in April – what a perfect time for a visit!  We were so glad to have you with us and were excited to show you around our city.  We spent quite a bit of time indoors because we had some wild weather during your stay!  Temperatures ranged from the 30s all the way to the 70s during your visit!  Don’t worry, we made sure you were nice and warm in the fuzziest of pajamas, but helped you find your shorts and sunglasses to enjoy the sunshine.

You were a great help with our twins – Brayden and Julianna!  You guys must have lots of experience babysitting because the babies smiled and smiled at you. 

We worked on making some hair bows, and you each took turns wearing your favorites.

One afternoon, we got out the ukulele and sang some songs.  You have fantastic voices girls!

Over the weekend, we all went to my brother Sean’s graduation from college.  
You really had fun spending time with our family. 

It was awesome having you girls join us this week, and we wish you safe travels for the rest of your trip.  Next stop - Maryland!  Keep an eye on your mailbox for a little souvenir from your visit!

If you would like to host Alexa and Lillian in your hometown, contact their mom Dawn at

Friday, April 13, 2012

Party Crasher

So no, I've never crashed a real party (or at least I don't think I have) but am excited to be crashing my very first Ultimate Blog Party!  You see, I found a pin on a fellow twin mom blogger's pinterest that looked too cool not to click, and found the link.  I was so pleasantly surprised to see I was just in time to participate and figured I could quickly write up a little "about us" and join the celebration!  My fingers are in a furry, racing the clock before Julie rouses herself from her slumber and wants to eat - so forgive any errors or typos!

Who Are We:

Heather is a new mom to boy / girl twins (Brayden and Julianna) who were born December 22nd.  While still feeling completely overwhelmed by the whole "I'm really a mother" thing, I'm getting the hang of it (I think).  I am a former "professional Girl Scout" running programming for girls here in Western PA for the past five years. I love to spend time my time outdoors, in the kitchen, or in the car on my way to a fabulous vacation.  I am learning photography, the art of consignment sales and how to make hair bows.

Dan is the love of my life, fabulous Daddy, engineer, product manager, and grill master and dog groomer.  Jack of all trades and my partner in everything.

Julianna has also been known as "Wiggle Butt," "Julie Bean," and "Beanie Baby."  When not being completely adorable, she likes to moonlight as the Poopy Princess and get her toes painted.

Brayden is everybody's little buddy, and truly an "old soul."  He's curious, a huge flirt, a complainer and completely incredible.

And this here is our little home on the web.  A place for me to have a "project," a place to share my experiences, and my hub for finding other mom's whose experiences make me better.  If you're visiting from the Ultimate Blog Party - thanks for stopping and welcome!  Leave me a comment as I'm looking forward to getting to know you!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Twin Tips: Clothes Pin Diaper Tracker

Every mother who has ever nursed (or attempted to nurse) knows the importance of tracking diapers.  It's as if babies have a daily "quota" to reach of wet and dirty dipes so that you know that they're getting all the goodness they need.  In the middle of the night fog, this tracking becomes especially hard.  When other caregivers (like husbands) get into the mix - the diaper tracking gap is almost unavoidable.

As a mother of twins, record keeping becomes even harder to keep track of two babies, and their different "outputs."  This is where my mother's genius idea came in handy! So simple, but the perfect solution.  CLOTHES PINS!

Behind out changing table, we have a lamp that has the cord hung externally, but any rope or ribbon hung from the wall would do.  We labeled each clip with B1 B2 or J1 J2.  B1 stood for Brayden #1 (wet) and J2 stood for Julianna #2 (dirty).

Caregivers would move one pin from top to bottom for each diaper change, and we would tally the pins in the morning.  So simple, but a total lifesaver for sleep deprived families.

Don't forget to vote for us!

Vote For Us @ TopBaby Blogs! The Best Baby Blog Directory

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter!

It's the babies first Easter and I've already been filling them with tales about how the magical bunny will be visiting them tonight.  Come on - how can I resist the opportunity to buy some special things for my little bums? Here's a quick pic and list of inclusions in the babes VERY first Easter Baskets.

Brayden's Basket (left)
- Garanimals Wrist Rattles
- Garanimals Ankle Rattles
- "I love you More" book*
- Banana and Apricot baby food pouches (for the future)
- Bibs
- Binkies
- Green Snack Holder (target)
- Underwater Adventure DVD
- Green Bunny Ears

Julie's Basket (pink)
- Garanimals Wrist Rattles
- Garanimals Ankle Rattles
- Piggy Paint Toenail Polish
- Tights 3 Pack
- Socks
- Strawberries and Apples baby food pouches
- Bibs
- Binkies
- Pink Snack Holder
- Nursery Rhymes DVD
- Purple Bunny Ears

Hope your Easter is filled with faith, family and friendship!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Ten Tips for Kids Consignment Shopping Success

I've already shared some of the great deals I snagged at my recent consignment sale visits, but wanted to share my top ten tips to remember before hitting the sales floor.

1.  Find Your Sales and Make a Game Plan: One of my favorite mom bloggers pointed me in the direction of  This awesome site is super convenient for finding the sales in your local region.  Next, consider your game plan.  This past week, there were five sales in our area, so strategy is a must.  Consider opportunities to shop a pre-sale or half price day late in the sale in order to make the most of your time.

2.  Go As Early as Possible: Not only will you have your "pick of the litter" with the clothes, toys and gear, but you can also snag some of the best deals this way.  Because sellers each price their items independently, there may be duplicates of the same items at a range of prices.  For example, one recent sale had six almost identical items (a popular battery powered ball blower toy) in stock.  Prices ranged from $5-$15 for the toy, with the highest priced item not necessarily the one in the best condition.  Earlier shopping allowed us to pick up the best quality item for $8.  Many sales offer pre-shopping events for new parents, new grandparents, military veterans and their families, organization members, consigners and volunteers.  The early bird catches the worm and some of the pre-sales require online registration so check the sale's website for opportunities.

3. Bring a Bag:  Sales are unlikely to have shopping carts so think creatively about how you'll tote your items around while shopping.  We hung lots of clothes on the handle of our stroller, and used an ikea bag for overflow.  We have a Mommy Hook and plan to get a second one for our future sales which was perfect for hooking toys with handles and loops.  A cart on wheels or wagon would be especially helpful.  We even saw women with clothes baskets attached to their belt loops with strings that they dragged around the sale.  What creative problem solvers!

4.  Get to Know Your Sale: What are your options for pre-sales?   Do they have a policy against strollers?  What payment methods are accepted?  Do they have a half-price sale and if so - what are the details.  I really recommend scouring all the links on the sale's website (FAQs, Info for Shoppers, Videos etc.).  You'll get a good look at what to expect.  When you arrive, consider chatting with a volunteer.  Most sales have a "holding area" that you can utilize so you don't have to carry around your large items.  They can also provide great details about bathrooms, checkout procedures and any sale discounts.  One piece of advice learned from my own failure is to really ASK about the half price sale.  Do not assume that because it says "half price" that all items are discounted.  Some sales put red dots on sale items, some put dots on items exempt from discounts.  Communication is really key for getting all the deals you were expecting at checkout.

5. Be Prepared for Anything:  You won't know what to expect before the sale - so expect the unexpected.  Our first sale was fairly small, and we walked right up to the checkout counter.  So boy was I surprised when, while shopping new mom pre-sale at our second sale (which was huge), we encountered an ENORMOUS line.  I'm talking 2 hours waiting in line to get through the checkout process.  Lucky for me, I had extra formula powder and the babies were pretty well behaved.  Also when shopping with kids, realize the possibility that there may not be a bathroom as many sales are held in usually unoccupied buildings.  Both my babes got changed in a corner behind a sales rack, and I was glad to have an extra blanket to protect them from the floor.

6. Shop for Everything You Need: There are certain pieces of clothing your kids will always need.  "Dress Clothes" for example will likely be part of your child's wardrobe in every size.  My family goes to a horse race every spring, so I will be shopping ahead for both babies for lots of seersucker and khaki pants to prepare for the seasons ahead.  Use my Baby Clothes Inventory Sheet to keep up with your current stock and identify future gaps in your needs.

7.  Grab a Half Price Deal: On half price day (available at many sales) you can really get some of the best deals.  Yes, things may be slightly "picked over" and you'll unlikely find the hot item Bumbo Chair.  But when you have every thing you really need you can shop half price for future sizes, or great items at low prices for gifts or even potential resale.  Remember these sales have everything - clothes, books, toys, bedding and other necessities and you'll be glad later that you got such an incredible savings.

8. Come with an Empty Car: Yeah I hear ya - you don't plan to buy anything big.  But you really never know.  We ended up having a FULL back hatch of my SUV and an exersaucer riding home on my mom's lap. Do yourself a favor and make room before you shop!

9. Consider Consigning: What a great way to make some money to reinvest in your shopping!  I am the absolute worst at letting go of adorable clothes.  It is easier for me at least, to give up clothing that I purchased second hand.  I think of it as "clothes sharing" - someone owned it before my kids, and someone will own it after my kids.  Coming in with that expectation makes parting a little less sorrowful.

10.  Get Ready for the Next Sale:  Don't forget to sign up for the sale's mailing list to be sure you're ready for the next event.  Most hold events twice a year and mailing list signups are available at checkout.

Now grab your purse and get shopping!  If you're already a veteran consignment shopper, leave a comment and tell us about your BEST consignment sale deal!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Just about the cutest thing I've ever seen!

So I've already collecting fun stuff for my kiddos to do via pinterest and other bookmarks.  I'm excited about making them busy books and busy bags to keep them occupied once they become "restless" toddlers.  I know - they're tiny for now but I'm trying to stay ahead of the game.

I recently found this AWESOME printable from  and I just had to share.  Gnome paper dolls, paper bowling, finger puppets and more - for FREE!

If you didn't know already, Dan and I are big fans of gnomes.  We even dressed up as gnomes a few years ago for Halloween.  Simplest costume ever by the way!

And of course, I was THRILLED to know, that all gnome mamma's have twin babies.  It was destiny!

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Shop Till You Drop

Spring means sunshine, green blooming flowers, and apparently (in Western Pennsylvania at least) consignment shopping.

Before having kids, I'd heard of these sales - but barely.  An acquaintance of an acquaintance worked at one, and I'd catch a fleeting glimpse of a yard sign advertising a sale at intersection.  We had thrown around the idea of visiting one of these sales while I was pregnant, but decided it was way too close to our vacation to bother.  If I'd only known then what I know now!

I've seen blog posts on other sites about consignment shopping, and wile I'm certainly no veteran to the experience, and some tips for new shoppers.

We visited five sales over the past two weeks, and have fully stocked up on equipment, toys, clothes and accessories to last us into the fall.  For just around $300, I have outfitted both babies with almost all of their non-consumable needs for the next 6 months.  A-M-A-Z-I-N-G

Some of my favorite buys were:
Step 2 Wagon: $6
Brand new Swimsuit from Gymboree: $4
Brand new hat from Gymboree: $3
Ralph Lauren Khaki Pants for Brayden: $2
2 Bumbo Seats + 1 Tray: $35 total
2 Exersaucers in excellent condition: $40 total
Searsucker Dress for Julie for Preakness: $6
Little Einstein DVDs: $2-3 each
Little People Play Sets: $4-6 each

We may NEVER shop retail again.

Stay tuned for when I reveal my "Top 10 Tips for Kids Consignment Success!"

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Julie and Brayden Update: 3 Months

Feedings:  Babies are still drinking about 4 ounces of milk, about every three hours during the day and go about 5-7 hours without milk overnight.  We do one formula bottle every night and I am pumping around every 6 hours.  The midnight bottle still gets about 1 T of rice cereal.  In general, not much has changed with their feeding in the past month, except that Julie occasionally seems to forget how to drink.  She has seemed to stopped with the projectile split-up, which is super.

Daytime: Babes are spending more and more time awake during the day.  This is good for babies, but tough for Mamma.  They’re both pretty pleasant and seem to finally have realized that there’s a second baby in their midst.  Brayden has liked to be held quite a bit lately, and we’re getting better at pacifying them both.  Both babies have discovered their hands, and are able to gnaw on their fingers for a little self soothing.  Favorite toys include the Swing, the Play Gym, the crib animation toy, the Winkle and the Glow Seahorses.  Babies also just got Bumbo seats, have been introduced to their Sophie the Giraffes, and Wubbanubs.   We typically feed around Midnight, 6:00 am, 9 am, noon, 3, 6, and 9.  

Nighttime:  This is the biggest change to report!  Both babies are sleeping in their cribs almost full time.  They are able to be put down while awake, and put themselves to sleep after eating.  The babes rarely wake up in the middle of the night, and are even able to share a crib without disturbing each other.  What HUGE strides we have made this month!

Schedule:  While there’s still not a whole lot of a schedule, we’re getting a little more regular with patterns.  Here’s where we currently stand:
6:30 a.m. – 4 oz bottle, then back to sleep
9 a.m. – 2-3 oz of milk, then back to sleep (Mamma stays up and cleans)
Noon – 4 oz bottle and start the day
3 p.m. – 4 oz bottle and a nap
6 p.m. – 4 oz bottle
9 p.m. – 4 oz bottle (Julie typically crashes in her swing at this point)
11:30 p.m. – Bottle and Bedtime
12:15 a.m. – SLEEP

Outings and Events:  Leaving the house has been made easier with my extension in times between pumping.  I feel like we can leave for more than a three hour stretch!  We have gone to the museum, multiple trips to the grocery store, Grammy’s House, multiple consignment sales and Grove City.  Apparently my babies love to shop because they typically sleep through the entire experience without a peep.  I am one lucky mamma!

Milestones:  Babies are much better at “self soothing” during the night and can put themselves to sleep.  They’ve both discovered their hands and use it instead of a pacifier frequently.  Both seem to have more purposeful smiling, when you enter the room and talk to them.  We’ve begun to outgrow our 0-3 months clothes and fit nicely into 3-6 month outfits.  Brayden’s hair has grown back almost completely!  Julie loves to play in the bathtub and kicks like crazy to splash her mommy.  We’ll often leave her legs uncovered which she loves to give her kicks.  We’re finally getting past the “colic” stage and hopefully by next month will be done with nightly crying sessions completely.   

Monday, March 26, 2012

Twin Tips: Baby Clothes Inventory Sheet

If there's one skill I can proudly share my abilities for, it's process development.  In my former professional experience, I loved nothing more than figuring out how to make something more efficient.  I love to consider all the options, and come up with a streamlined process that makes things easier for myself and all involved.

Now as a stay-at-home mom with twins, my "job" is caring for them around the clock, and there's definitely room for process development and improvements!  As I go along this journey, I'd like to share my "twin tips" that seem to make things work a little more smoothly for me.  For twin moms - try them out for yourself.  For moms of singletons - many will work for you as well.   For those of you who aren't moms, these little ideas might answer the question "how on earth do you do it?" that I get asked ever so frequently.

First up, the Baby Clothes Inventory Sheet.

Long ago in a time that now seems very far away, I was a planner.  My friends picked on me relentlessly about how I had "control issues" and tried to plan life to the most minuscule detail.  The birth of my twins has broken the planner in me mercilessly.  I finally gave up after creating a google spreadsheet (linked to a form document, accessible from my Droid) that tracked my ounces pumped, times and amounts consumed, and "outputs" of my twins.  One document I created during my time as a planner - and now being resurrected for use during my consignment shopping - was my Baby Clothes Inventory.

It's amazing the sheer amount of STUFF that twins need.  One unique challenge for mothers of multiples (boy/girl especially) is that it all becomes a blur when considering the amounts you have in what size, for what gender.  For example, it seemed like I had a TON of fuzzy sleepers.  And I did - but they were all in size newborn for Julie (hand me downs from a friend) and in size 0-3 months for Brayden (which we'd purchased because he was expected to be a big baby).  Had I not had my handy Baby Clothes Inventory spreadsheet,  I would have been out of luck and left struggling when Julie quickly outgrew her clothes.

Now, I am using my inventory to assist with consignment shopping, in order to help plan for the future while snagging great deals.  Download my Baby Clothes Inventory template HERE.

A few notes of use about this document:

  • You can't edit it in Google Documents.  To download a usable copy,  go to "File" (under the title) and   then "Download" which will start the download of the Microsoft Excel file.
  • The spreadsheet is designed for Boy/Girl twins with a column for N (Neutral) especially helpful for things like yellow newborn clothes and the sort.
  • Each item tallies at each size level.  This total is the total number of Boy+Girl+Neutral.  This will prove that yes, indeed, you have a TON of fuzzy sleepers.  
If anyone is interested in this and has a tough time with excel, please feel free to email me and I'd be glad to make changes for you if needed.  

Leave me a comment and let me know what you think!

Wiggle Butt

We don't know how she did it - but Julie scooched her little self over to be next to Brayden this morning. What a lovely sight to wake up to. Brayden didn't even seem to mind. :-)

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Perfectly Painted Pretty Little Piggies

"This little piggy went to market, this little piggy stayed home.  This little piggy had roast beef..."

Julie and I have been playing this game for a few weeks now, and she's just starting to giggle and smile as she feels the tickle on her toes.  And her toes are of course - perfectly adorable.  But my years of fantasizing about all the girlie things my daughter and I will do have gotten the best of me, and those tiny little toes are just a bit too tempting to resist.  I couldn't help it - they had to be painted.

I waited until she was three months old, I didn't want to be unreasonable of course!  And yes, my mother has warned me that babies put everything in their mouths - including their toes.  Considering this, I figured it was important to go in search of a baby friendly nail polish as my personal fave OPI was chalk full of toxins and chemicals certainly not toe-sucking friendly.

When I came across Piggy Paint I thought I may have found exactly what I was looking for.  A great variety of colors, reasonable prices, and (most importantly) baby safe.  Their slogan is "natural as mud," and the paint contains no toxins or harsh chemicals.  It's biodegradable and water soluble making it eco-friendly.  It's so gentle, it will come off with rubbing alcohol, and is unlikely to stain carpets.

I gave it a try and loved the results!  We ordered both paint, remover and a paint pen, which made painting teensy tiny toenails a breeze.  The color had great saturation and looked super after a few coats.

Here's what I picked:

The Cuddles and Kisses Gift Set
Angel Kisses Paint Pen

For our first pedicure attempt we used the Angel Kisses Paint Pen and I think Julie loves it!  Here she is today checking out her own fabulous feet.

Perfectly Pink Piggies

I'm totally a fan and can't wait to continue the fun of showing off her pretty paint job throughout the summer. Next time Julie and I play "this little piggy" - that last little pig will finally have something to cry "wheeeee" about on his way home.

This review is not endorsed, or encouraged by Piggy Paint nor was I compensated in any manor for my opinions.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Mamma's of Multiples

Tonight I attended my very first "North Pittsburgh Mothers of Multiples" meeting and had a lovely time.  Usually, it seems like it's more effort and stress than it's worth to get out of the house.  The stress doesn't balance out the stress relief of going out.  Tonight was different though.  It was totally worth going out.

So I've been thinking about joining since I was pregnant, but I was working, and waddling and it just didn't seem like it'd be the best time to go.  I figured since we're now out of the pure chaos stage, it was time to get to it.  So I took a shower, put dinner in the crock pot and was on my way.  My wonderful hubby even knew how much I needed the break, so he came home at 5:00 and my sister came over to give Dan some "back up" while I was gone.  Yes, someday he'll need to know how to manage them himself.  That day has not yet come yet.

At the meeting, I got to know a few of the Moms and asked lots of questions about their experiences.  The more I read other twin mom blogs and meet other mothers of twins, I realize how rare the fact that I delivered at 38 weeks really is.  So many of these moms had to experience the heartbreak of NICU life, and I am so truly blessed to have had my sweet babes come home exactly 60 hour after their birth.  God is so so good...

What do mothers of multiples do at such meetings?  Apparently, have fun and relax.  Of course on occasion, I'm sure they do much more important serious things like discuss sibling rivalry and twin developmental stages, but tonight's meeting was just some much needed fun.  We decorated cup cakes!  Here's a few that we made...

Mum's the Word Cupcakes
Mum Cupcakes

Made these tonight!
Sunflower Cupcakes

So super fun and I was actually proud of my creative capabilities for once!  I came home refreshed and actually eager to hold, feed and snuggle my little ones.  And the best surprise of all - my incredible hubby cleaned my mess up while I was gone and now, I feel like I'm not drowning underneath the chore list.  He really is the best.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Irish Eyes

Happy St. Patrick's Day from the Coleman Babes!

Friday, March 9, 2012

It's like they discovered America...

"Oh my gosh - they're twins!"  It's a phrase I hear more times than I can count when we go out to the store.  Other variations include "you have twins" and "there's two of them!"  And I can't help it - I'm a snark.  Deep down I'd like to sarcastically reply "Really???  I had no idea!"  It's like they've discovered America and are declaring my babies "twins" for the very first time.  Then they go on to gush about how lucky we are, how adorable the babies are, and how it's perfect that we have one of each.

And it's not that I don't appreciate the compliments. I know the little old ladies are just excited to see babies, and two babies are of course, even better.  It's just that sometimes, I feel like we're such a scene with the huge double stroller, the huge diaper bag, and potentially two wailing tots.  I recognize that it's unusual to see twins - about 3% of all births, but my guess is less likely in Western Pennsylvania due to some social factors.

Part of the challenge is that in all social exchanges, you're almost expected to match the mood and emotional tone of the person with which you're speaking.  When they're all thrilled and cutsie wootsie, it's tough to put on a big smile and be super cheerful up to eight times in a single craft store - when you're just trying to pick out some ribbon.  Maybe I'm just not a people person.

See for me, I've come to realize that I don't even see them as twins.  I have so much time with them individually, that I see them as my beautiful Julianna, and my incredible Brayden.  They are so much their own people, and not at all "one half of a whole pair."

Then there are the people who are so personal.  "A girl and a boy - perfect!  Now you can be done!"  I am pretty confident that we want more kids.  And does that mean Dan's family growing up was incomplete because they had three boys?  And they want to know how much they weighed, how far along I was when we delivered - and almost seem disappointed when I tell them that they were pretty normal weights and that I lasted 38 weeks.  It just seems a little too much for me, standing in the checkout line, discussing this with my sales associate.  The attention is just so uninvited.

Yesterday we went to the museum, and my brother was carrying Brayden in the Baby Bjorn and my sister had Julianna.  These two ladies came right up and started congratulating them on their babies.  Awkward for them - yes.  Secretly though, I was standing by gleeful that I was able to avoid the conversation myself.  It leaves me wondering, would they have walked up to any family with a single baby, and gushed in amazement over their child and asked all sorts of questions.  Perhaps they would.  And maybe I should be the one to try it some day.  I'll walk right up to some unsuspecting new parent and exclaim "oh my gosh - you have a singleton!"  They'll look at me like I'm some crazy woman, and I'll walk away smiling knowing that at least I got a little revenge.

Sunday, March 4, 2012


We've been struggling with getting the babies to sleep in their cribs - even for short periods - so that eventually, they can sleep there through the night.  With mom's anticipated departure set for the end of March, we need to figure out a way for us to handle our pair overnight - alone.  Right now that's a terrifying prospect.

So a challenge in crib sleeping has been that the binkies we use ALWAYS fall out of the babies' mouths, and as soon as they do, the sirens go off.  When I first came home from the hospital, this was CONSTANT before we began current strategies, and I felt like I was doing sit ups with my c-section incision in terrible pain.  So we started shifts, co-sleeping, yadda yadda yadda until we've arrived where we have now.  So somewhere in my online travels, I saw the recommendation of the wubbanub.

What's a wubbanub you ask?  It's a pacifier holder, with an adorable baby safe stuffed animal on the end, which props the soothie pacifier into the mouth.  We could find no where local that sold them here in Pittsburgh, so we ordered from amazon and boy are they cute!  It's taken a while for the babies to get used to them, (and Julie's not quite got the hang of hers) but they do seem to love the softness of these sweet critters.  Brayden's wubbanub is a giraffe, and Julie's is a cutsie caterpillar.  So far, we wouldn't say that these have been "miracle workers" as a good swift swing of brayden's arms and the giraffe will be tossed across the crib.  There has been improvement though, and they do seem to smile and look at the contrast quite a big.  Now if we could keep Duncan and Layla away from the temptation of claiming the wubbanubs for themselves!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Julie and Brayden Update: 2 Months

I am stealing this idea from another twin mom blogger, Mandy at The Fabulous Baby Striblings - tracking certain things each month in an update to see how my little ones are progressing.  One of my biggest regrets in mommyhood so far is not taking an official "One Month" picture (although we did take tons of pictures) so we're a little behind.  We'll catch up for sure though. :-)

Feedings:  Babies are drinking about 4 ounces of milk, about every three hours (with the exception of our recent overnight improvements).  We do one formula bottle every night as well, and mamma is still exclusively pumping every four hours.  We've just started adding one tablespoon of rice cereal to our midnight bottle which seems to be helping extend the midnight hour just a bit.  We've given up on overcoming the frequent spitups and don't really bother with the Zantac since it didn't seem to help, nor do the babies seem to be in pain.  The doctor's perspective is that the breast milk is probably worth it to hang in there and keep our "spitty babies."

Daytime: The babies still spend most of the day snoozing away, but will sit contently in the swing, or in the bunny chair on the kitchen table for stretches of time.  Brayden especially loves the "play gym" on the floor where he can look in the mirror and kick the whale hanging by his feet.  Julie enjoys tummy time, although we need to work at finding more time for this.  A favorite game we play is "buzzy bee" where I pretend the bee is buzzing and lands on them.  Julie loves to follow my fingers!  Favorite toys include the Swing, the Play Gym, the crib animation toy, the Winkle and the Glow Seahorses.  We typically feed around Midnight, 5 am, 9 am, noon, 3, 6, and 9.  As the picture shows, Julie still sleeps a LOT.  Probably around 15+ hours a day?  It's great to catch her when she's awake though. :-)

Nighttime:  We're finally getting a good stretch overnight where we get five+ solid hours of sleep.  The babies don't like to sleep in their cribs - at all - and so we're co-sleeping with one sleeping with Grammy in the guest room, and one in our bed.  Hopefully we'll be making some improvements here soon.  Our biggest problem is that because the babies won't sleep in their cribs, we can't put them to bed until we're in bed -which means midnight (especially since I have to pump as well).  If we'd move their bedtime back to, say - 10:00, we'd be back to feeding at 3 am.  It may not be the best plan of action, but this is "working" for the time being.

Schedule:  There really is no schedule.  This is rough and certainly not a recommendation to any other parents out there...  Yes, I realize to some, this looks like a wild mess - but, for us, it's the best choice for the moment.
5-6 a.m.: Bottle then back to sleep(Dan feeds whoever is in our bed, Grammy feeds whoever is in her bed, Heather pumps)
9ish am: Bottle then back to sleep
11ish am: Wake Up, change, and start the day.  Typically the babies spend some awake time here until their next bottle.
Noonish: Bottle
3ish: Bottle then typically some more sleep
6ish: Bottle
9ish: Bottle - then colicky crying time
11:30: Get ready for bed, then bottle
12:30 a.m.: Feed and Sleep

Outings and Events:  So far we have ventured out on numerous occasions to the doctors office, multiple trips to Target, a visit to TJ Maxx, the scrapbooking store and the craft stores (Grammy's favorite).  Brayden has had two "lunch dates," once with my former co-workers at Buffalo Wild Wings, and once with Grammy and her friend Charlene.  We've also all gone out to visit Great-Pap at Aunt Kim's House and Great-Nanny at the Assisted Living facility.  One of our most memorable experiences was Julie's diaper explosion at the Scrapbook store that left us on the ground with a blanket, and ended in her spending the rest of the afternoon pantsless.  What an adventure!
 We do try to make frequent outings out of the house (for our sanity and mom's practice), but those are pretty difficult maneuvers.  Typically, I pump, we dress the babies, then feed the babies, and by now - an hour and a half has gone by and it'll quickly be time to pump again.  I'll try to pump again right before we leave to extend the time we're able to be away.  This typically works, except when babies spit all over their outfits and need changed again before we leave, and have empty tummies that need re-fed.  There have been days, we just give up and stay home.

Milestones:  The babies are both right on track for their milestones according to the doctor.  Julie has an exceptionally strong neck, and can turn from side to side while on her tummy.  Both are pretty strong overall!  Brayden's great at following things with his eyes.  Both babies have begun smiling a lot the past few weeks and are generally very pleasant during the day.  They've also begun "talking" to things like the birds hanging above their bunny seat and swing, the crib animation, themselves in the mirror and family.

We're so enjoying this special time!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Beach Babies

When I first saw Adele Enersen's photographs at Mila's Daydreams I was completely in love.  They featured a peacefully sleeping babe, with an intricate scene created by blankets and fabric.  I just could  not get enough of her images, and am looking forward to purchasing her book soon.

In the meantime, we've decided to create our own pictures in the same style.  Hopefully with a little creativity, we'll be able to incorporate both babies in the pictures with some creativity - and even get them to stay still long enough to snap a picture.  Our first attempt is a beach scene, since our family loves beaches of all types and it seemed like a perfect "dream" for a mid-February afternoon.

Julianna - with brown throw (sand) blue bedspread (sky), brown dress (tree trunk)
two green sweaters (palms) and  yellow t-shirt (sun).

Our next project will most likely be a rainbow for St. Patrick's day because just as much as we love our beach - we love being Irish too.  Wish us luck!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Oh Make Me Over

I've been spending more time in the world of blog-land, and am so jealous of all of the super lovely (professional, put-together, appealing) blogs out there and figured "I'm computer savvy - how hard could it be?"  After a week of obsessively scouring vector graphic databases, reviewing blogger tutorial forums, and struggling with HTML caos, I've decided it's pretty tough.

I'm such a perfectionist, and have an addictive personality when it comes to overcoming a challenge.  It's an asset when it means being committed to success (which explains why my twins are still getting breast milk despite two months of challenges), but that drive is also detrimental when it becomes an inability to "leave well enough alone."  My blogging goals aren't to monetize and make tons of cash, nor do I expect to be a famous blogging celebrity someday.  I don't even have the ego that needs fed by having 1000 subscribers.  I just like to reflect, and think that recording my thoughts through this journey will be fun to look back on.  It might entertain family and friends, or encourage another twin mom in her journey.  So I have no need to spend our limited budget on a blog designer.

I have done my little blog make-over myself.  And while it's certainly not perfect, I wanted to provide credit where credit is due.  I did find it pretty difficult to find the information I needed to get the job done.  Most tutorials I found were either so basic (as in "here's how to start a new post with blogger") or so advanced that there were completely unhelpful.  The few places that were helpful were amazing though, so perhaps these links will help someone else who finds themselves in the same predicament I did.

Banner and Widget Title Graphics:
Customized myself in Adobe Illustrator (boy did I learn a thing or two playing around!)

Social Media Icons: found
Created the matching Pinterest Icon since that wasn't included in the set.  Not too bad if I do say so myself!

Coding, Spacing, Etc:

Still a few little tweaks I can make, but hoping I can let go of my perfection obsession long enough to enjoy my accomplishment in the meantime.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

A Tale of a Poopy Princess

There once was a perfect little princess named Julie who liked to snooze without worry and spend her days lounging in pink.  She was particularly excited one evening when her Daddy came home, cuddled her in his lap, and fed her a bottle of milk.  Little Julie was enjoying her late evening meal, when all of a sudden, her Daddy exclaimed  with terror "Oh God!  She's pooping on me!"

Julie's Grammy sprang into action to pick up Julie from her frantic father. Grammy was shocked to discover a poopy puddle on the ground!  Amazingly the poopy little princess had managed to poop out the top of her diaper, and onto the floor - thus sparing her precious little polka dot pants.

 The Poopy Puddle

Princess Julie's Shocked Reaction

 Brayden - Unfazed

The Frustrated Father with his Carpet Steamer

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Snugglin' Up Close

I'm quickly learning that one of the biggest challenges as a parent is the sincere desire to do what's best for your kids, even when what's best isn't clear.  We've been having some nighttime troubles with the babies which we think are due in part to their acid reflux and gas.  Sometimes it seems that nothing will soothe them other than cuddling with their exhausted mamma.  Even from the very first few nights home, I often felt as if I was doing sit-ups to replace a spit out binky into the mouth of a wailing Julianna in the crib near our bed.

So we bought a "co-sleeper."  This little contraption fits between Mom and Dad in the bed, and allows our baby to rest soundly on a firm mattress, surrounded by a railing to prevent any dangers such as pillow suffocation, or parental roll over.  The challenge though, is that this isn't a very big sleeping space, and doesn't offer much in the way of providing warmth comfort and intimacy for my fussy babies.  Plus, as a mamma of two - there's no room even in a King bed for two of these plus parents.

I've been stuck with such a fear of SIDS, and rightly so not wanting to put my babies at any unnecessary risk.  There are though times that when at your wits end, there don't seem like many other alternatives than bringing baby into the bed.

Our cuddle sessions began (and have largely remained) in the mornings.  After Dan leaves for work at 7, and babies are wide awake, they join me in the bed to extend our morning sleep until at least the next feeding comes.  Lucky for me, this time is some of the most solid sleep I get!  Of course I knew to remove any blankets or pillows close to the babies and to keep them on their backs, but I wanted to do some more research on safe "co-sleeping" as I know many people do this full time with their babies.

I was so surprised to read, after a quick google search, the very credible research done that indicates that co-sleeping actually reduces the risks of SIDS by providing babies with deeper sleep - which allows them to arouse more quickly when dangerous breathing patterns occur in their immature respiratory system.

Doctor Sears, a well known and respected pediatrician gives his very positive perspectives on co-sleeping in a article.  The University of Notre Dame's "Mother Baby Behavioral Sleep Lab" also has research that shows many benefits of co-sleeping for breastfeeding mothers, but sets some limitations for those who formula feed their babies.

For our family, I'm not sure of how often and to what level we'll engage in the practice of co-sleeping, but I was relieved to hear that I'm not putting my children at danger when following basic guidelines for their safety in bed.  It's also so lovely to snuggle close with them, and feel them relax as they're comforted by my presence.  I think that's really what all mothers want - to gave their babies what is best for them.  Whether that's in our bed or out, what's clear as that what's best for them is to be close to their family.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Becoming Mamma

So it's been almost a month since I posted anything, but as you can imagine, I've had my hands full with two new little ones and so finding time to blog has been limited.  It's so important to me to document these days though, so I'm going to work harder to steal a few moments to write.  I especially wanted to make sure I recorded my "birth story" before I forgot all of the details.

So after postponing our cesarean for a week due to Julie's potential lung issues, our eagerness and anxiety had reached it's peak on December 22.  I slept surprisingly well the night before (considering the countdown to the biggest day of my life), and we were out the door by 6 a.m..  My wonderful parents insisted on arriving at the same time we did, just to give me a hug before I went in.  I was really glad they were there in retrospect as I was quite the ball of nerves.  We were called back at 7 a.m., and began preparations for surgery.  I was amazed at how quickly everything happened really.  I put on my hospital gown, had my heart rate and blood pressure monitored, and my nurse (Haley) talked me through the preparations.  One major issue at this point in the game was my IV.  While Haley gave it a good shot - it collapsed in my one "good vein" and we had to wait for the anesthesiologist to arrive to give it another shot.  I had prayed and prayed to have good nurses and anesthesiologists, and God really came through.  Dr Somethingorother - who preferred to be called Max - came to talk me through the anesthesia and do my IV.  He had to go deep in my wrist, even giving me a shot of local first to numb the pain.  My doctor stopped by to see how I was doing, and soon enough, it was time to go into the opperating room.

I walked in myself, and was suprised how small it was. I guess I watch too much Grey's Anatomy and expected this huge room with high ceilings. My nurse got me through the spinal, I layed back on the table and then Dan came in beside me. By this point, I was over being nervous, but was sure glad to see him.
The doctors kept pinching my skin, and each time, I could feel the pain on my left side. They kept waiting thinking the spinal just needed more time, but, it never changed. Luckily, Max had put in both a spinal and an epidural cathetar, so they were able to dose me up so I didn't feel the surgery.

So one thing I didn't expect (and maybe my experience was unique) was how "out of it" I would feel both during and after the surgery.  The most distinct thing I remember while I was giving birth was the feeling that I was falling asleep, feeling like I had to mindfully remember to breathe, and that I was really really hot.  This was definitely unpleasant.

What made up for all that lousy feeling, was the moment I heard the babies cry, and their weights announced. We were shocked that Julianna weighed 6 lbs, 8 oz., and Brayden (who was supposed to be a very large baby) weighed only 5 lbs., 11 oz.  They gave Julianna to Dan to hold while they finished my surgery, and the nurse held Brayden close by.  Holding two at once seemed a bit intimidating to us both, but when they placed both babies in my arms as they wheeled me out of the OR - I was in heaven (and high as a kite).

Recovery was rough, still feeling like I had the worst hangover in the world, and like I was hanging out in a sauna.  Apparently this is a very unusual experience as most new moms in this situation are freezing cold.  I did throw up numerous times, and they continued to give me anti-nausea medications, which made the hangover feeling worse.

I had been worried about the fact that I wasn't going to get to eat for hours after the surgery, and unfortunately, I wasn't even able to keep down the ice chips they gave me.  While all of this does sound unpleasant (and it was) it's the reality of my experience.  The warm loveliness of holding my sweet babies took a bit of time for the meds to wear off - and certainly was amazing.

After the first day in the hospital, I was a much happier new Mamma, and got a chance to really enjoy the blessing of my babes.  I could hardly get over how Brayden stared into your eyes with such intensity.  He was (and is still) so very tiny.  Julianna has such a laid back personality, stretches around, and came out with a head full of puffy little hair.  The hospital stay was much better than expected with delicious food, and patient and accommodating nurses who gave me everything I needed - and gave me space.  My parents stayed for most of the days and evenings while I was there, and my in-laws came Friday to meet their new grand-children.

I had expected to be out of the hospital on Monday due to medication issues, which was then changed and so expected discharge would have been Sunday - Christmas Day.  Luckily, I was doing so well that they allowed me to leave Saturday Night around 9 p.m. on Christmas Eve.  It was so great to not have to spend Christmas in the hospital (despite the good food).  We even were able to make it out to Aunt  Kim's Christmas Dinner the next night.

Overall with the birth experience, I'd say the following:
Spinal and Epidural:  Better than I expected
Surgery:  Better than I expected
First 12 hours after Surgery: Much worse than I expected.
Overall Hospital Stay:  Better than I expected
Holding those babies and knowing that they are mine forever:  Better than I could have imagined in my wildest dreams.
