Wednesday, February 8, 2012

A Tale of a Poopy Princess

There once was a perfect little princess named Julie who liked to snooze without worry and spend her days lounging in pink.  She was particularly excited one evening when her Daddy came home, cuddled her in his lap, and fed her a bottle of milk.  Little Julie was enjoying her late evening meal, when all of a sudden, her Daddy exclaimed  with terror "Oh God!  She's pooping on me!"

Julie's Grammy sprang into action to pick up Julie from her frantic father. Grammy was shocked to discover a poopy puddle on the ground!  Amazingly the poopy little princess had managed to poop out the top of her diaper, and onto the floor - thus sparing her precious little polka dot pants.

 The Poopy Puddle

Princess Julie's Shocked Reaction

 Brayden - Unfazed

The Frustrated Father with his Carpet Steamer


  1. haha the poop on the floor has not been experienced by us...thank goodness! It has ended up on us though-fail!

  2. Congrats on the babies!

    My twins turned 2 in November, and we just started potty training last month. I can tell you though, we used cloth diapers and in 2+ years NEVER ONCE did we experience the dreaded up-the-back poo explosion. And we saved a fortune. We started cloth when the hospital freebies ran out at about 2.5 weeks.


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