Monday, June 11, 2012

Julie and Brayden Update: 5 Months

A little late on our five month update, but better late than never! 

Feedings:  Bottle feeding hasn’t changed much in the past month, except that we were instructed by our doctor to try putting 3 T rice cereal in each of Brayden’s bottles to reduce his reflux.  We think it may have helped a bit, but not enough difference to justify all of the rice he was taking in.  We may be discontinuing the rice in the near future.  Hopefully, pushing forward towards solids will give them more of what they need that it’s okay if we loose a few drops here or there.  We’re still doing 1T  of rice in the overnight bottles.  Solid foods are going well – so far, we’ve tried Rice Cereal by spoon, banana, applesauce, peaches, and oatmeal.  If we do cereal, babies are eating about ½ a container each, but could take a whole container if I’d let them.  I’m looking forward to starting to make my own food soon – just have to find the time to buy the equipment.

Daytime: The babes are up most of the day with a few quick naps in the middle.  We try to spend lots of time on our tummy to help Brayden’s Torticollis as well as to encourage Julie to roll over.  Brayden is a rollin’ fool and it hasn’t dawned on Julianna that it’s something she should consider attempting.  I’m not worried that she’s not strong enough, because when she arches her back, she could likely get herself out of her bumbo seat if I’d let her. Feedings are 6am (B) 9am (J and sometimes B), Noon, 3pm, 6pm, 9pm, 11pm  
Nighttime:  We still have the best sleepers in town.  Both are going to sleep around 11, and then sleeping all through the morning.  Brayden does get a bottle with Dan when he leaves, but usually we don’t have babies to play with until around 10 am.  One of my favorite things in the world is Julie’s sleepy pose – with her hands behind her head like a little pinup girl.  Brayen rolls constantly and will no longer sleep on his back.  Of course this makes me a nervous wreck, but I keep trusting what everyone says – that if he can get onto his tummy, he can make sure his airway is safe.  Just thankful to have full nights of sleep (although it still never seems like enough)!

Schedule:  My thoughts that we had a schedule?  The babies were just kidding.  And my plans of waking up at 6:30 each morning to clean?  I was just kidding about that one too. J
6:30 a.m. – 4 oz bottle for Brayden, then back to sleep.
10 a.m. – Julie wakes up for a 5 oz bottle and stays up
11 a.m. – Bubble Guppies and Mike the Knight
Noon – 4 oz/ 5oz bottle and maybe another nap
3 p.m. – 4 oz/ 5oz bottle
4 p.m. – Fussy time for both babies.  We occupy them by being active on the floor, singing songs and playing with puppets.
6 p.m. – 4 oz/ 5oz bottle, plus cereal and some sort of fruit or veg
9 p.m. – 4 oz/ 5oz (Julie typically crashes in her swing at this point)
11:00 p.m. – Bottle and Bedtime
11:15 p.m. – SLEEP

Outings and Events:  I feel like we’re constantly running somewhere these days!  We're always on our way to visit Great-Nanny, head to a doctor's appointment, or to Physical Therapy.  Good thing the babies are good in the car!  We took two big trips this month, to Baltimore for the Preakness race.  We learned the lesson of a lifetime about communication when we realized that the babies suitcase, overpacked full of clothes for every occasion and surprise, had been left in the nursery – four hours away.  After some serious contemplation, I hit the stores and bought enough sleepers and clothing to outfit the babes for the weekend.  The hardest part was finding seersucker (Dan’s fashion requirement for the event) but I luckily was able to find a cute green seersucker dress for Julie and blue seersucker shorts and solid polo for Brayden at Gymboree.  Mamma got a workout jogging through the mall 20 minute before it closed!

We also ventured to Massachusetts for Dan’s cousin Eileen’s wedding.  We had a great time, and the babies were SO well behaved.  We hardly had a peep out of them for the ceremony, and with the exception of a few pterodactyl calls from Julie, all was calm throughout the beautiful event.  The babies met so many of Dan’s cousins, aunt’s and even their Great Great Aunt Jean (who I absolutely love).  It was so nice to spend time with the family, and get away for the weekend.  The long car ride to Albany (where we spent our nights at Dan’s parents) was pretty tolerable, although did have many diaper-change pit stops.  We learned that we’re more flexible than we knew climbing into the backseat between their carseats to feed while the car was still moving, and that we’ll be investing in travel video monitors before our trip to the beach in September.

Milestones:  Brayden is our little “Rolie Polie Olie” and rolls every which way.  Julie still hasn’t showed any interest in rolling, but trying to not worry about her too much.  She is SUCH a verbal child!  She babbles and squeals and smiles all the time.  I can’t believe how different they are!  Brayden has become a little quieter lately, but will occasionally give us a holler, especially when Julianna isn’t around.  Both are doing really great with the baby foods, opening their mouth when the spoon comes their way, and actually getting most of the food in their tummies.  Julie’s a major bubble blower and makes raspberry sounds constantly.  Brayden still giggles all the time.  A few of his favorite things to giggle about are: “Achoo,” “Chopped,” and “beep beep” said in a  low voice.  Julie’s only given a few giggles – usually when hair brushes against her face.  Maybe she’ll be my serious one? 

We’ve started really playing with the exersaucers and the babies love it.  Brayden adores the one we have with a piano under his feet.  He’s totally realized that he can control the sounds and I love watching his face light up with excitement.

I am the luckiest girl in the whole entire world.

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1 comment:

  1. Personally I think that making your own baby food is so rewarding...not to mention cheaper and healthier for baby! I didn't use any specific equipment when preparing my own baby food...sometimes I think it's overrated and unneccessary (and expensive!!!)


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