Sunday, March 18, 2012

Irish Eyes

Happy St. Patrick's Day from the Coleman Babes!

Friday, March 9, 2012

It's like they discovered America...

"Oh my gosh - they're twins!"  It's a phrase I hear more times than I can count when we go out to the store.  Other variations include "you have twins" and "there's two of them!"  And I can't help it - I'm a snark.  Deep down I'd like to sarcastically reply "Really???  I had no idea!"  It's like they've discovered America and are declaring my babies "twins" for the very first time.  Then they go on to gush about how lucky we are, how adorable the babies are, and how it's perfect that we have one of each.

And it's not that I don't appreciate the compliments. I know the little old ladies are just excited to see babies, and two babies are of course, even better.  It's just that sometimes, I feel like we're such a scene with the huge double stroller, the huge diaper bag, and potentially two wailing tots.  I recognize that it's unusual to see twins - about 3% of all births, but my guess is less likely in Western Pennsylvania due to some social factors.

Part of the challenge is that in all social exchanges, you're almost expected to match the mood and emotional tone of the person with which you're speaking.  When they're all thrilled and cutsie wootsie, it's tough to put on a big smile and be super cheerful up to eight times in a single craft store - when you're just trying to pick out some ribbon.  Maybe I'm just not a people person.

See for me, I've come to realize that I don't even see them as twins.  I have so much time with them individually, that I see them as my beautiful Julianna, and my incredible Brayden.  They are so much their own people, and not at all "one half of a whole pair."

Then there are the people who are so personal.  "A girl and a boy - perfect!  Now you can be done!"  I am pretty confident that we want more kids.  And does that mean Dan's family growing up was incomplete because they had three boys?  And they want to know how much they weighed, how far along I was when we delivered - and almost seem disappointed when I tell them that they were pretty normal weights and that I lasted 38 weeks.  It just seems a little too much for me, standing in the checkout line, discussing this with my sales associate.  The attention is just so uninvited.

Yesterday we went to the museum, and my brother was carrying Brayden in the Baby Bjorn and my sister had Julianna.  These two ladies came right up and started congratulating them on their babies.  Awkward for them - yes.  Secretly though, I was standing by gleeful that I was able to avoid the conversation myself.  It leaves me wondering, would they have walked up to any family with a single baby, and gushed in amazement over their child and asked all sorts of questions.  Perhaps they would.  And maybe I should be the one to try it some day.  I'll walk right up to some unsuspecting new parent and exclaim "oh my gosh - you have a singleton!"  They'll look at me like I'm some crazy woman, and I'll walk away smiling knowing that at least I got a little revenge.

Sunday, March 4, 2012


We've been struggling with getting the babies to sleep in their cribs - even for short periods - so that eventually, they can sleep there through the night.  With mom's anticipated departure set for the end of March, we need to figure out a way for us to handle our pair overnight - alone.  Right now that's a terrifying prospect.

So a challenge in crib sleeping has been that the binkies we use ALWAYS fall out of the babies' mouths, and as soon as they do, the sirens go off.  When I first came home from the hospital, this was CONSTANT before we began current strategies, and I felt like I was doing sit ups with my c-section incision in terrible pain.  So we started shifts, co-sleeping, yadda yadda yadda until we've arrived where we have now.  So somewhere in my online travels, I saw the recommendation of the wubbanub.

What's a wubbanub you ask?  It's a pacifier holder, with an adorable baby safe stuffed animal on the end, which props the soothie pacifier into the mouth.  We could find no where local that sold them here in Pittsburgh, so we ordered from amazon and boy are they cute!  It's taken a while for the babies to get used to them, (and Julie's not quite got the hang of hers) but they do seem to love the softness of these sweet critters.  Brayden's wubbanub is a giraffe, and Julie's is a cutsie caterpillar.  So far, we wouldn't say that these have been "miracle workers" as a good swift swing of brayden's arms and the giraffe will be tossed across the crib.  There has been improvement though, and they do seem to smile and look at the contrast quite a big.  Now if we could keep Duncan and Layla away from the temptation of claiming the wubbanubs for themselves!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Julie and Brayden Update: 2 Months

I am stealing this idea from another twin mom blogger, Mandy at The Fabulous Baby Striblings - tracking certain things each month in an update to see how my little ones are progressing.  One of my biggest regrets in mommyhood so far is not taking an official "One Month" picture (although we did take tons of pictures) so we're a little behind.  We'll catch up for sure though. :-)

Feedings:  Babies are drinking about 4 ounces of milk, about every three hours (with the exception of our recent overnight improvements).  We do one formula bottle every night as well, and mamma is still exclusively pumping every four hours.  We've just started adding one tablespoon of rice cereal to our midnight bottle which seems to be helping extend the midnight hour just a bit.  We've given up on overcoming the frequent spitups and don't really bother with the Zantac since it didn't seem to help, nor do the babies seem to be in pain.  The doctor's perspective is that the breast milk is probably worth it to hang in there and keep our "spitty babies."

Daytime: The babies still spend most of the day snoozing away, but will sit contently in the swing, or in the bunny chair on the kitchen table for stretches of time.  Brayden especially loves the "play gym" on the floor where he can look in the mirror and kick the whale hanging by his feet.  Julie enjoys tummy time, although we need to work at finding more time for this.  A favorite game we play is "buzzy bee" where I pretend the bee is buzzing and lands on them.  Julie loves to follow my fingers!  Favorite toys include the Swing, the Play Gym, the crib animation toy, the Winkle and the Glow Seahorses.  We typically feed around Midnight, 5 am, 9 am, noon, 3, 6, and 9.  As the picture shows, Julie still sleeps a LOT.  Probably around 15+ hours a day?  It's great to catch her when she's awake though. :-)

Nighttime:  We're finally getting a good stretch overnight where we get five+ solid hours of sleep.  The babies don't like to sleep in their cribs - at all - and so we're co-sleeping with one sleeping with Grammy in the guest room, and one in our bed.  Hopefully we'll be making some improvements here soon.  Our biggest problem is that because the babies won't sleep in their cribs, we can't put them to bed until we're in bed -which means midnight (especially since I have to pump as well).  If we'd move their bedtime back to, say - 10:00, we'd be back to feeding at 3 am.  It may not be the best plan of action, but this is "working" for the time being.

Schedule:  There really is no schedule.  This is rough and certainly not a recommendation to any other parents out there...  Yes, I realize to some, this looks like a wild mess - but, for us, it's the best choice for the moment.
5-6 a.m.: Bottle then back to sleep(Dan feeds whoever is in our bed, Grammy feeds whoever is in her bed, Heather pumps)
9ish am: Bottle then back to sleep
11ish am: Wake Up, change, and start the day.  Typically the babies spend some awake time here until their next bottle.
Noonish: Bottle
3ish: Bottle then typically some more sleep
6ish: Bottle
9ish: Bottle - then colicky crying time
11:30: Get ready for bed, then bottle
12:30 a.m.: Feed and Sleep

Outings and Events:  So far we have ventured out on numerous occasions to the doctors office, multiple trips to Target, a visit to TJ Maxx, the scrapbooking store and the craft stores (Grammy's favorite).  Brayden has had two "lunch dates," once with my former co-workers at Buffalo Wild Wings, and once with Grammy and her friend Charlene.  We've also all gone out to visit Great-Pap at Aunt Kim's House and Great-Nanny at the Assisted Living facility.  One of our most memorable experiences was Julie's diaper explosion at the Scrapbook store that left us on the ground with a blanket, and ended in her spending the rest of the afternoon pantsless.  What an adventure!
 We do try to make frequent outings out of the house (for our sanity and mom's practice), but those are pretty difficult maneuvers.  Typically, I pump, we dress the babies, then feed the babies, and by now - an hour and a half has gone by and it'll quickly be time to pump again.  I'll try to pump again right before we leave to extend the time we're able to be away.  This typically works, except when babies spit all over their outfits and need changed again before we leave, and have empty tummies that need re-fed.  There have been days, we just give up and stay home.

Milestones:  The babies are both right on track for their milestones according to the doctor.  Julie has an exceptionally strong neck, and can turn from side to side while on her tummy.  Both are pretty strong overall!  Brayden's great at following things with his eyes.  Both babies have begun smiling a lot the past few weeks and are generally very pleasant during the day.  They've also begun "talking" to things like the birds hanging above their bunny seat and swing, the crib animation, themselves in the mirror and family.

We're so enjoying this special time!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Beach Babies

When I first saw Adele Enersen's photographs at Mila's Daydreams I was completely in love.  They featured a peacefully sleeping babe, with an intricate scene created by blankets and fabric.  I just could  not get enough of her images, and am looking forward to purchasing her book soon.

In the meantime, we've decided to create our own pictures in the same style.  Hopefully with a little creativity, we'll be able to incorporate both babies in the pictures with some creativity - and even get them to stay still long enough to snap a picture.  Our first attempt is a beach scene, since our family loves beaches of all types and it seemed like a perfect "dream" for a mid-February afternoon.

Julianna - with brown throw (sand) blue bedspread (sky), brown dress (tree trunk)
two green sweaters (palms) and  yellow t-shirt (sun).

Our next project will most likely be a rainbow for St. Patrick's day because just as much as we love our beach - we love being Irish too.  Wish us luck!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Oh Make Me Over

I've been spending more time in the world of blog-land, and am so jealous of all of the super lovely (professional, put-together, appealing) blogs out there and figured "I'm computer savvy - how hard could it be?"  After a week of obsessively scouring vector graphic databases, reviewing blogger tutorial forums, and struggling with HTML caos, I've decided it's pretty tough.

I'm such a perfectionist, and have an addictive personality when it comes to overcoming a challenge.  It's an asset when it means being committed to success (which explains why my twins are still getting breast milk despite two months of challenges), but that drive is also detrimental when it becomes an inability to "leave well enough alone."  My blogging goals aren't to monetize and make tons of cash, nor do I expect to be a famous blogging celebrity someday.  I don't even have the ego that needs fed by having 1000 subscribers.  I just like to reflect, and think that recording my thoughts through this journey will be fun to look back on.  It might entertain family and friends, or encourage another twin mom in her journey.  So I have no need to spend our limited budget on a blog designer.

I have done my little blog make-over myself.  And while it's certainly not perfect, I wanted to provide credit where credit is due.  I did find it pretty difficult to find the information I needed to get the job done.  Most tutorials I found were either so basic (as in "here's how to start a new post with blogger") or so advanced that there were completely unhelpful.  The few places that were helpful were amazing though, so perhaps these links will help someone else who finds themselves in the same predicament I did.

Banner and Widget Title Graphics:
Customized myself in Adobe Illustrator (boy did I learn a thing or two playing around!)

Social Media Icons: found
Created the matching Pinterest Icon since that wasn't included in the set.  Not too bad if I do say so myself!

Coding, Spacing, Etc:

Still a few little tweaks I can make, but hoping I can let go of my perfection obsession long enough to enjoy my accomplishment in the meantime.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

A Tale of a Poopy Princess

There once was a perfect little princess named Julie who liked to snooze without worry and spend her days lounging in pink.  She was particularly excited one evening when her Daddy came home, cuddled her in his lap, and fed her a bottle of milk.  Little Julie was enjoying her late evening meal, when all of a sudden, her Daddy exclaimed  with terror "Oh God!  She's pooping on me!"

Julie's Grammy sprang into action to pick up Julie from her frantic father. Grammy was shocked to discover a poopy puddle on the ground!  Amazingly the poopy little princess had managed to poop out the top of her diaper, and onto the floor - thus sparing her precious little polka dot pants.

 The Poopy Puddle

Princess Julie's Shocked Reaction

 Brayden - Unfazed

The Frustrated Father with his Carpet Steamer

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Snugglin' Up Close

I'm quickly learning that one of the biggest challenges as a parent is the sincere desire to do what's best for your kids, even when what's best isn't clear.  We've been having some nighttime troubles with the babies which we think are due in part to their acid reflux and gas.  Sometimes it seems that nothing will soothe them other than cuddling with their exhausted mamma.  Even from the very first few nights home, I often felt as if I was doing sit-ups to replace a spit out binky into the mouth of a wailing Julianna in the crib near our bed.

So we bought a "co-sleeper."  This little contraption fits between Mom and Dad in the bed, and allows our baby to rest soundly on a firm mattress, surrounded by a railing to prevent any dangers such as pillow suffocation, or parental roll over.  The challenge though, is that this isn't a very big sleeping space, and doesn't offer much in the way of providing warmth comfort and intimacy for my fussy babies.  Plus, as a mamma of two - there's no room even in a King bed for two of these plus parents.

I've been stuck with such a fear of SIDS, and rightly so not wanting to put my babies at any unnecessary risk.  There are though times that when at your wits end, there don't seem like many other alternatives than bringing baby into the bed.

Our cuddle sessions began (and have largely remained) in the mornings.  After Dan leaves for work at 7, and babies are wide awake, they join me in the bed to extend our morning sleep until at least the next feeding comes.  Lucky for me, this time is some of the most solid sleep I get!  Of course I knew to remove any blankets or pillows close to the babies and to keep them on their backs, but I wanted to do some more research on safe "co-sleeping" as I know many people do this full time with their babies.

I was so surprised to read, after a quick google search, the very credible research done that indicates that co-sleeping actually reduces the risks of SIDS by providing babies with deeper sleep - which allows them to arouse more quickly when dangerous breathing patterns occur in their immature respiratory system.

Doctor Sears, a well known and respected pediatrician gives his very positive perspectives on co-sleeping in a article.  The University of Notre Dame's "Mother Baby Behavioral Sleep Lab" also has research that shows many benefits of co-sleeping for breastfeeding mothers, but sets some limitations for those who formula feed their babies.

For our family, I'm not sure of how often and to what level we'll engage in the practice of co-sleeping, but I was relieved to hear that I'm not putting my children at danger when following basic guidelines for their safety in bed.  It's also so lovely to snuggle close with them, and feel them relax as they're comforted by my presence.  I think that's really what all mothers want - to gave their babies what is best for them.  Whether that's in our bed or out, what's clear as that what's best for them is to be close to their family.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Becoming Mamma

So it's been almost a month since I posted anything, but as you can imagine, I've had my hands full with two new little ones and so finding time to blog has been limited.  It's so important to me to document these days though, so I'm going to work harder to steal a few moments to write.  I especially wanted to make sure I recorded my "birth story" before I forgot all of the details.

So after postponing our cesarean for a week due to Julie's potential lung issues, our eagerness and anxiety had reached it's peak on December 22.  I slept surprisingly well the night before (considering the countdown to the biggest day of my life), and we were out the door by 6 a.m..  My wonderful parents insisted on arriving at the same time we did, just to give me a hug before I went in.  I was really glad they were there in retrospect as I was quite the ball of nerves.  We were called back at 7 a.m., and began preparations for surgery.  I was amazed at how quickly everything happened really.  I put on my hospital gown, had my heart rate and blood pressure monitored, and my nurse (Haley) talked me through the preparations.  One major issue at this point in the game was my IV.  While Haley gave it a good shot - it collapsed in my one "good vein" and we had to wait for the anesthesiologist to arrive to give it another shot.  I had prayed and prayed to have good nurses and anesthesiologists, and God really came through.  Dr Somethingorother - who preferred to be called Max - came to talk me through the anesthesia and do my IV.  He had to go deep in my wrist, even giving me a shot of local first to numb the pain.  My doctor stopped by to see how I was doing, and soon enough, it was time to go into the opperating room.

I walked in myself, and was suprised how small it was. I guess I watch too much Grey's Anatomy and expected this huge room with high ceilings. My nurse got me through the spinal, I layed back on the table and then Dan came in beside me. By this point, I was over being nervous, but was sure glad to see him.
The doctors kept pinching my skin, and each time, I could feel the pain on my left side. They kept waiting thinking the spinal just needed more time, but, it never changed. Luckily, Max had put in both a spinal and an epidural cathetar, so they were able to dose me up so I didn't feel the surgery.

So one thing I didn't expect (and maybe my experience was unique) was how "out of it" I would feel both during and after the surgery.  The most distinct thing I remember while I was giving birth was the feeling that I was falling asleep, feeling like I had to mindfully remember to breathe, and that I was really really hot.  This was definitely unpleasant.

What made up for all that lousy feeling, was the moment I heard the babies cry, and their weights announced. We were shocked that Julianna weighed 6 lbs, 8 oz., and Brayden (who was supposed to be a very large baby) weighed only 5 lbs., 11 oz.  They gave Julianna to Dan to hold while they finished my surgery, and the nurse held Brayden close by.  Holding two at once seemed a bit intimidating to us both, but when they placed both babies in my arms as they wheeled me out of the OR - I was in heaven (and high as a kite).

Recovery was rough, still feeling like I had the worst hangover in the world, and like I was hanging out in a sauna.  Apparently this is a very unusual experience as most new moms in this situation are freezing cold.  I did throw up numerous times, and they continued to give me anti-nausea medications, which made the hangover feeling worse.

I had been worried about the fact that I wasn't going to get to eat for hours after the surgery, and unfortunately, I wasn't even able to keep down the ice chips they gave me.  While all of this does sound unpleasant (and it was) it's the reality of my experience.  The warm loveliness of holding my sweet babies took a bit of time for the meds to wear off - and certainly was amazing.

After the first day in the hospital, I was a much happier new Mamma, and got a chance to really enjoy the blessing of my babes.  I could hardly get over how Brayden stared into your eyes with such intensity.  He was (and is still) so very tiny.  Julianna has such a laid back personality, stretches around, and came out with a head full of puffy little hair.  The hospital stay was much better than expected with delicious food, and patient and accommodating nurses who gave me everything I needed - and gave me space.  My parents stayed for most of the days and evenings while I was there, and my in-laws came Friday to meet their new grand-children.

I had expected to be out of the hospital on Monday due to medication issues, which was then changed and so expected discharge would have been Sunday - Christmas Day.  Luckily, I was doing so well that they allowed me to leave Saturday Night around 9 p.m. on Christmas Eve.  It was so great to not have to spend Christmas in the hospital (despite the good food).  We even were able to make it out to Aunt  Kim's Christmas Dinner the next night.

Overall with the birth experience, I'd say the following:
Spinal and Epidural:  Better than I expected
Surgery:  Better than I expected
First 12 hours after Surgery: Much worse than I expected.
Overall Hospital Stay:  Better than I expected
Holding those babies and knowing that they are mine forever:  Better than I could have imagined in my wildest dreams.
