Friday, February 14, 2014

Katie's Love Story

Earlier this week, we had the pleasure of sharing our love story.  We had so much fun that we thought we'd ask one of our favorite blog friends to share their amazing story for Valentine's Day.  Before there was, this wonderful couple made their introduction halfway across the world with a letter.  What follows is nothing short of incredible.

Our guest blogger is Katie Fair of the It's Just Me blog and we're so thankful to have her sharing her love story!

Here's Katie:

Everyone has a story on how their love story truly began.

Our story actually began about a year before we met. One morning during my senior year of college, I was watching The Today Show. They had a segment about a program called "Soldier's Angels" in which you could volunteer to be an "Angel" for a deployed soldier, sending him or her care packages and letters, helping to boost their morale while they were fighting a war overseas. At the time, the War in Iraq had been going on for just over 3 years. I felt connected to this war, in a way, because September 11th happened two days before my 17th birthday. We watched the second plane crash into the towers on the news in my 11th grade health class. The soldiers fighting this war were my age, many even fellow classmates that had joined the military after graduation. I felt compelled to help.

Right after the segment, I headed to the website ( and signed up for a soldier. At the time, you submitted only your name and email address, and shortly after you were emailed back with the name of a deployed soldier, a mailing address and an email address, if provided. Sure enough, a few hours later I received the name of my soldier. I was super excited and couldn't wait to write him my introductory letter. That evening during math class, I spent the time writing a handwritten letter (in pencil -- more on that later), which ended up being almost 4 pages in length. (in hindsight, I probably should have been paying attention to class! haha!) The letter was mostly about me, considering I had no idea who this guy was, but I told him all about myself, my family, what I was studying in college, etc.

My soldier's name did not come with an email address, and I had no idea what sort of things to send him in a care package, so I decided to see if I could locate him to ask him directly, using none other than Myspace ;) (hey, it was 2006!) I searched for his name, and quite a few results showed up. One of the first profiles that appeared was a picture of a younger looking guy, wearing a military uniform. I wasn't sure if it was him, but I decided to take my chances and friend request him anyway. A few days later I received a response. Basically, he was asking me who I was, and why I wanted to be his friend. I responded, letting him know I had received his name from Soldier's Angels and that I would be sending him a care package (he hadn't yet received my letter at that point). I asked him what sorts of things he could use and what he wanted me to send. Shortly after that, I got another response from him, basically thanking me for helping to boost the soldier's morale and he accepted my friend request. But that was it. He never replied with what he could use or if he needed anything specific.
After that, things in my own life got busy. It was my senior year of college and I had projects and classes to focus on, with graduation looming ahead. I never did get a chance to send him anything else, but I never really forgot about him either.

Fast forward to about 10 months later. It was towards the end of August, and I was done with college. I was fiercely job searching, trying to figure out what next step to take with my life. One day, I logged into Myspace and was surprised to see a message from my soldier. In the message, he said he had never really checked out my profile until that point, and I seemed interesting. He also stated that he remembered who I was, by the letter I sent in pencil. Out of all of the letters he had ever received from an "Angel", mine was the most personal and the least generic. It apparently really stood out to him, and he wanted to get to know me more. So I replied, and our conversation went back and forth through messages for a bit, before we exchanged AIM names (dating myself, again!) At the time, he was still in Iraq, so there was an 8 hour time difference. I would be up super late while he was just getting back from his overnight tower watch duty, but we would talk for hours. I finally worked up the courage to talk to him on the phone, and our first phone conversation lasted four hours (on a phone card, none the less!). I don't even recall all that we talked about, but it was like we had known each other for years. Talking to him was so easy...and natural.

Katie and Ryan - 2007
He returned home from his second deployment in mid-September (the 13th, to be exact..which also happens to be OUR birthday. Yes, we have the same exact birthday). We continued to talk every single day, and the prospect of finally meeting came up. He was stationed at Ft. Lee, which was in Virginia, just outside of Richmond. Roughly, an 8 hour drive. We tried to make plans here and there to meet up, but they kept falling through. One night in the beginning of October, we were on the phone. He said something and I jokingly said we'd probably never meet. He got frustrated and we hung up. That comment must have lit a fire under his butt because he called me back just a few minutes later and said he was packing a bag, and driving to Erie that night -- and he did. He drove through the night  and when he arrived in Erie around 5am, I was there to meet him. Our first "look" at each other was crazy and not at all uncomfortable. I felt like I was seeing someone I had known for years. We marked that day as our official "dating" anniversary, and have been together ever since.

Here we are today, six years later and so many shared life experiences -- our first home, a marriage, his college graduation, first real job outside of the Army, our first child and now, another on the way. I can't say that every day since has been a walk in the park by any means, but I can say with certainty that I have found my soul mate, and I am so grateful I took that chance on him, my soldier :)

Katie Fair is mom of Audrey (with one on the way), fabulous blogger at It's Just Me and amazing Pittsburgh family photographer at Katie Fair Photography.

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Monday, February 10, 2014

A Love Story: An Introduction

In honor of Valentine's Day, we're sharing our "love story."  Just as much for you, but as a reflection for ourselves, and to record our tale for our family in the future.

My apologies to anyone who is an email subscriber and may have just had their email notifications go wild with five posts going live at once.  I wanted to keep everything separated into chapters, but realizing that my posts will likely be in discontinuous order, I'd keep this one towards the top to start things off.

Engagement by Craig Photography

So here is our story, in four parts.  Written with love, for and about those I love so deeply...

Part One: Our First Date
Part Two: In the Beginning
Part Three: Whirl Wind Romance
Part Four: Becoming Family

If you like what you just read please click to send a quick vote for me on Top Mommy Blogs- The best mommy blog directory featuring top mom bloggers

A Love Story (Part 4): Becoming Family

Just joining us on this journey of love? Why not go back and start with part one - here!

Back from Hawaii, we settled into a routine, spending as much time together as possible.  We got the sweetest dog, Duncan, and realized we could take care of something together.

The rest of that first year, we just enjoyed our time together.  Dan's house became "our place" and once empty rooms became filled with furniture and gained a "woman's touch."  I got to know his family, and he spent plenty of time with mine.  My whole family knew I was completely smitten with this Prince Charming.

We both worked a lot, but savored every bit of time together.  Through it all, I was always curious where his baggage was - his skeleton's in the closet.  I'm glad to report that regardless how much time passed, Dan was the same wonderful guy and had no nasty surprises lurking around the bend.

Right after our first Christmas together, Dan hinted that he'd bought a ring.  Each day I was so eager, waiting for him to pull it out of the cheese in the refrigerator - or have it tied to the dog - or spring it at New Years.

What I wasn't expecting though, was just a few days before our first anniversary, for him to call me upstairs.  I'd been watching a movie on the couch, and he'd been up there for a while.  I hadn't thought anything of it.

He called from the top of the steps, and I came to the staircase to see it decorated with flower petals and candles leading to upstairs.  He popped out of our bathroom with a "well hello" and dropped to one knee.  Obviously I knew what was happening - and was a tearful ball of emotion.  Of course, I accepted and we celebrated by enjoying a bottle of wine brought back with us from Hawaii.  Dinner at the Melting Pot followed and has become an annual anniversary tradition.

Wedding by Craig Photography

We got married a year and three months later in April 2010.  It was a beautiful blue sky day filled with joy and celebration.  When we welcomed our babies in December of 2011, it was a wild realization of how much our lives had been changed.  In less than four years, we'd met, married, traveled, and became parents to two amazing kids.

It's hard to believe that we've now been together for six years, but of course, these have been the best six years of my life.  I pray every night that I get to be with him for at least sixty years, so we've really only just begun our love story.  I have no rose colored glasses when I think about marriage.  It is hard work sometimes, and there's not a couple I know who haven't faced times of struggle in their lives together.  I know without a doubt though, that there is no other person I'd rather work beside, and together face life with, during the challenges and successes.

Moral of the story - never underestimate the power of a "wink" and some old fashioned chivalry.  Without a doubt, I found the man of my dreams.

Our whole story:
Part One: Our First Date
Part Two: In the Beginning
Part Three: Whirl Wind Romance
Part Four: Becoming Family

If you like what you just read please click to send a quick vote for me on Top Mommy Blogs- The best mommy blog directory featuring top mom bloggers

A Love Story (Part 3): A Whirl Wind Romance (and a cool Cabbie)

The saga story continues - but if you're just joining us, start with part one - here!

Three months into our relationship, Dan and I boarded our plane for a trip to Hawaii.  He'd work most days during our trip, and I'd wander around Honolulu on my own.  We did find time to sneak in some sight seeing, a surf lesson, and a hike through the rain forest.  Each evening we'd enjoy the most amazing meals I've ever eaten.  We would stand arm in arm on the sand and watch the sun set.  It was here that I knew I was utterly in love with this man, and that I'd hoped to spend the rest of my life with him.

...and we were only three months in...

The very last night of our trip we were to leave Hawaii in an evening flight, arriving through Charlotte and back to Pittsburgh in the early morning hours.  I'd be back just in time to make an important meeting.  On our way to check out of the hotel and meet our airport transportation, we listened to the voice messages on our phones telling us that our flights were delayed - as were all of the large aircraft of it's kind.  They were all being checked for some mechanical issue.  Coupled with the fact that this was the same week that Hawaiian Airlines was collapsing, the Honolulu Airport was pretty disastrous.  Our flight finally left around 1 a.m., now heading to LA where we'd transfer to Chicago and then Pittsburgh.  In LA, our flight was again delayed.  Arriving in Chicago, we hit terrible weather.  When we arrived, there were no more outgoing flights for the night and we were sent to a local hotel.  We'd now been attempting to get home for 24 hours.

Our cab driver that drove us to the hotel offered to pick us up and return us to the airport in the morning. He kept his promise, and dropped us off in front our ticket desks.  As I went to get my ID out of my purse - I made a horrifying realization: my purse was not in my backpack.  I'd left it in the cab...

Why is this long story pertinent in our love story?  Well, I'd dated my share of jerks - many of which would have gotten angry and frustrated in a situation like this.  Many would have yelled, criticized - and some would have even left me there to figure it out myself.  I had a moment of panic before I realized that Dan would do none of those things.  Calmly, he helped me solve the problem.  We found a policewoman, who helped us get through security.  The policewoman who actually found a priest who prayed with us for safe travels and for the purse to be found.

And of course, now waiting to get home (36 hours later) our flight is delayed - again.  We're sitting there utterly exhausted, and starting to consider renting a car to drive home from Chicago.  Our gate is changed and we shuffle through the airport like zombies.  And then - a miracle.

In storms a police officer.

"Are you Heather Keefe?"
"Your purse will be coming in through those doors in just a minute."

And there it was - my purse.  Every dollar in place, every tic-tac untouched.  We happily boarded our plane, and finally made it home - almost 48 hours after we first attempted to leave Hawaii.

Although the purse story is fun to tell, it is really very pertinent to "our story."  Despite the misadventure, I discovered that Dan and I could handle a bad situation.  He handled problems calmly, with patience and kindness.  I realized then, that Dan was the guy I'd want to have beside me no matter what challenges life threw our way.

Only one more chapter to go - keep reading here!

Our whole story:
Part One: Our First Date
Part Two: In the Beginning
Part Three: Whirl Wind Romance
Part Four: Becoming Family

If you like what you just read please click to send a quick vote for me on Top Mommy Blogs- The best mommy blog directory featuring top mom bloggers

A Love Story (Part 2): In the Beginning

If you're just joining us in the telling of "our story" make sure you start with part one - here!

After our first date, we quickly scheduled a second.  It may have actually only been two days later.  We went to Damons Sports Bar and watched a Cowboys football game.  Despite my lack of interest in football or the Cowboys, I was interested in Dan and that was enough to keep me occupied.  One thing that stood out all of this time is that Dan was the most polite guys I'd ever met.  He was a true gentleman, never overstepping boundaries or being too forward.

This time, after our date, he walked me to my car and planted one sweet kiss on these lips of mine.  And I smiled... and smiled... and smiled - the whole.way.home.  I think that was really what did it... he had my heart from that moment on.

Our next date was a little unusual - we went to IKEA with my Mom.  Now, we are a family of mighty faith, so when my mom retells her experience of God putting it on her heart that morning, that that day, she'd meet her son-in-law, I have no doubt.  After our shopping excursion, we went back to Dan's house (now our house) for the first time to watch a movie.  This was the day he asked me to be his "girlfriend" officially.  At first, I said I'd have to think about it, but after about half an hour I realized I was crazy to even consider not accepting, and said that I'd be happy to take that title.

Our Early Dates - Matrix (left) and Bowling (right) 2008

Dates to follow included bowling and dancing at the Matrix club.  We were having a wonderful time getting to know each other.  After a few weeks, Dan told me that he'd told his parents about me, and that they were glad he'd "found someone."  We joked that it was like he "found me under a rock" and that I'd picked him "out of a Russian Bride catalog" but his use of the phrase showed me that he was pretty interested.

As did his next commitment - signing up to take Salsa dance lessons with me.  While I'd planned to take the classes with a guy friend, Dan said he'd really want to do it with me.  In doing so, we set a regular Tuesday night date filled with dancing and usually dinner.  It was so nice knowing I'd get to see him during the week, and it would tide me over to weekend dates.

But we never did get to finish our Salsa sessions.  During one of our post-dancing dinners, we were talking about going on a little vacation together.  Dan said that he might need to go to Hawaii for work, and that maybe I could go too.  I was over the moon, and refused to even talk about it until we were certain we could go.  One afternoon I got the call - three months into our relationship, I'd be going to Hawaii with the nicest guy I'd ever met.  And it was then that I realized, I was the luckiest girl in the entire word...

Keep reading more about our love story here!

Our whole story:
Part One: Our First Date
Part Two: In the Beginning
Part Three: Whirl Wind Romance
Part Four: Becoming Family

If you like what you just read please click to send a quick vote for me on Top Mommy Blogs- The best mommy blog directory featuring top mom bloggers