Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Meet Brayden

Brayden is our "baby A" and therefore I thought he should go first with introductions.  From the moment I knew I was having twins, I have felt such a special bond with Brayden because he was the underdog - our baby with the smaller sack and an indeterminable destiny.  But I knew God had big things in store for him, and that he would figure out a way to grow into a big strong baby.

I also have felt so connected with Brayden because I was sure, within weeks of becoming pregnant - even before I knew that there were two - that we would be having a boy.  I know he is the son Dan has thought about every time he's considered what fatherhood would be like, and of course, we can't wait to meet him!

I'd never really considered what it would be like to have a son, as my motherhood fantasies typically involved lots of frilly dresses and hair bows.  I'm eager for him to learn to be the type of man his dad is - one that is patient and kind, a hard worker who loves and respects his wife.  In all of my hopes to teach my daughter about being an independent woman it had never really dawned on me how men are just as much a part of the equality equation and I'm excited about the opportunity to raise him in that perspective.

So what is Brayden like?  I think he is strong and brave because of how he overcame the early challenges he faced in our pregnancy.  He has grown to be even bigger than his sister (by millimeters of course).  He's patient and accommodating, which I know because he's scrunched himself into a little "frank breech" ball, while his sister sprawls out on my right side.  He's not a pushover though, and makes himself known quite frequently with his pokes and kicks.  He is such a special boy...

Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

I have been answering the door (smiling at all the adorable little ones in costume) wearing my skeleton shirt that my talented mother painted for me.

I have to give credit where credit is due.  The creative inspiration came from Ashley and her blog Make It and Love It and I just knew I had to have one!  While I did find this awesome iron-on from BabytalkDesigns, I didn't get a chance to order in time for my big Halloween event at work, and mom whipped out her paintbrush!  So wild to think that right now (30 weeks along) they're just about the right size - and in the right position in my belly.  Check out the bow in Baby Girl's hair!

Meet Our Family

Our family will very soon be doubling in size as we look forward to the arrival of our "first children."  But first, it was only us.  We could still be considered newlyweds, married in April 2010.  Dan is a Project Manager, transplanted to Pittsburgh from New York for work.  For the past five years, I've worked for a national youth serving non-profit, and am counting down the days until my "maternity leave."  Only 13 days to go...

Our babies are officially due January 5, 2012 but as twins commonly go, we're expecting their arrival to be somewhere near the second week in December (optimistically.)  The ultrasounds show one beautiful little girl, and one handsome little boy.  We couldn't be more excited!

I was thinking today, how as much as I'd hoped and prayed and looked forward to being pregnant at some point, I never ever thought to ask for twins.  It'd never dawned on me that I'd be the one to experience joys and challenges of twin motherhood.  I must say, at this point in the game I feel pretty clueless but am so thankful for the opportunity to learn.  

My support system is amazing...  I have a husband who is truly the best man I've ever met, my best friend and partner, who I know will be an incredible Dad.  My mother is my total rock, and will be here every step of the way - even moving in with us for the first few weeks until I figure out a process to this new adventure.  My Dad loves me more than I could ever ask, and will do anything he can to make my experiences better.  I can't wait to see them become grandparents and are so proud to be able to bring them this joy.