Wednesday, October 2, 2013

A Hostage Situation

I don't typically write about politics on my blog, but it doesn't mean I don't feel strongly about them.  One characteristic I pride myself in, is my ability to at least attempt to see situations from all perspectives on an issue.  The recent government shutdown has me struggling with this ability though, simply not being able to understand how anyone can justify our current situation.

And I don't usually stir the pot, and I'm sure there are many who might disagree with me, but today - I'm saying it like I see it.

We have a hostage situation right now in America.  Those who control our House of Representatives are holding hostage those, who in my perspective, we should be helping the most - like veterans, single families, and our youngest children.

How you ask?  Military veterans and their families, who are reliant on disability compensation and pension payments, may have to go without during the shutdown depending on it's length.  Many civilian workers of our armed forces (often veterans or national guard members) are also furloughed during this period.  These families, sitting at home today worrying how their bills will be paid this month must be wondering how the government can deem them "non-essential."  That title doesn't make their financial obligations hang any lighter above their heads.  Claims to the VA for benefits will be delayed due to a shutdown of resources needed for processing - making those desperately waiting for help wait even longer.  What a way to say "thanks" for their service.

Across the country, the shutdown has already affected 19,000 children who participate in the Head Start program.  Families who are already struggling (which we know by the financial requirements of Head Start) may no longer have child care available.  What exactly are these families expected to do?  Cross their fingers that family or friends are able to help out?  With many likely working hourly wages without paid time off available, staying home with their children will have a serious impact on this month's earnings and could be financial disaster for families trying to stay afloat.

Some of our most vulnerable, infants and pregnant moms, may feel the impact with force as our federal funding for WIC has ended with the shutdown.  While states may be able to sustain the program for some interim period using excess funds, it's unlikely that they will be able to support the program longer than a few weeks in many states.  Imagine this mother, barely filling her refrigerator with her SNAP benefits, will now have to find the resources for formula - almost $100 a month for a typical infant.  For many of us this may not seem like a lot, but when it forces the choice between feeding your newborn, paying your rent, or fulfilling a car payment, this consequence is brutal.

I'm not shouting "doomsday" mind you, our active military forces are still funded, as are many critical departments like the USDA, FAA and our border patrol.

I'm not sure everyone realizes though, that our global reputation could be permanently damaged as the the rest of the world peers over at us and says "WTF?"  It puts our national intelligence (and consequently our citizens) at risk.  Our "nonessential" FDA is limited in monitoring dangerous outbreaks opening our nation up for potentials of terrible epidemics.

This is scary stuff...  It SURELY must be something critical they're fighting about right?  It's life or death stuff happening there in Congress - right?

I would be more sympathetic if this shutdown was truly caused by a fundamental difference in opinion in how we need to be protecting our financial asset as a nation.  I might not agree that this discussion is worth these repercussions - but I'd at least understand.

Instead, these hardships are coming from an attempt to block the Affordable Care Act - something that only 37% of those surveyed opposed.  Mind you, 46% opposed "Obamacare."  But wait - aren't they the EXACT SAME THING?  It's like calling a tissue a Kleenex or a copier a Xerox machine.  No matter what you call it, it is not something that the majority of Americans oppose. In fact, the truth is, too many Americans admit they're not really sure what the hoopla is all about and support the individual elements of the act, even when they claim that they don't support the act itself.

When it all boils down, what remains, in my perspective, is a desperate attempt to block something that has public favor and has passed legally -while throwing our nation's most vulnerable under the shutdown bus.  But I guess why should Congress care when they'll still be getting their pay checks despite the shutdown?

Maybe the veterans and WIC families should call our representatives for a loan to pay their mortgage or buy their formula this month.  Sorry Head Start families, you might be out of luck, as I surely wouldn't trust these idiots to babysit my children.

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1 comment:

  1. It is really sad. I was really appalled when they decided to go through with the shutdown. Even us active duty military are affected. Yes we still got paid but we are running low on services on base. Our commissary, the place we shop for our food is shut down. The hospital is running on a bare boned staff. It is such a sad state of affairs. Like you said, they don't care, they're still getting their paycheck. :(


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